View Full Version : Pressure and head pain, vision problems, forgetful, and worried:

27-01-12, 00:48
Hi, about 6 days ago I was fine and then all of a sudden had a bad headache with aura and took a nap. I ended up sleeping for over 12 hours. Since then I feel like my head is underwater, I have pain but not the worst headache pain, just fullness and pressure feeling. Around my eyes feel swollen and my vision has consistently been off as though I can't focus right. I have been extremely forgetful, even with simple words/names and dizzy.

I saw a Dr. 3 days ago as I was concerned, but he is not overly friendly and prescribed paracetamol/tylenol and said to wait 7-10 days.

I have work to do, a child to take care of, but I am so feeling out of it and can't concentrate with the vision and dizziness.

A few days before this happened I did notice 2 red marks--either odd zits or bites on me, not sure from what, I live in the UK and there are no mosquito's I know of at the moment, yet they were very itchy.

I am worried and not sure what to do, advice appreciated, thank you.

paula lynne
27-01-12, 09:20
Hi Penny, could this have been a migraine? Or have you had a cold recently? it could be sinus pain.
I have suffered since I was 11 with them, it certainly could be if you had the pain then aura. Im sorry your doctor wasnt very sympathetic.
The red marks/bites could be a coincidence, however, Ive got very sensative skin, and often get what seem like bites (dont have pets?) either on my neck or in my scalp, have no idea why, and sure enough, I get dreadful headaches. Dont pick them, it will make things worse. Have a chat with your chemist, they usually have more time than doctors for one thing. If your headache still remains, see your doctor again. Hope it passes soon, Paula x

27-01-12, 13:01
Hiya, I was diagnosed with labyrinthistis 15 weeks ago and my symptoms were similar to yours, check out this website http://www.labyrinthitis.org.uk/ it has all the symptoms of it here. Hope this helps xx