View Full Version : Pain in liver area scared to death......

27-01-12, 03:12
so i've had this pain on and off for a while its comes on when i drink even if its a tad bit of alcohol (https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=hrx&pwst=1&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&sa=X&ei=LBQiT_bdJInAtwf-7M3nDg&ved=0CCQQvwUoAQ&q=alcohol&spell=1) could this be my liver or could it be something else... so far ive had my liver funtion test,ctscan,tons of different types of blood work done cbc etc,upper adominal ultrasound attention on gallbladder, but everything is coming back fine but yet im still having this pain in my right side where my liver is i feel to see if my liver is enlarged an i dont feel nothing till i get to the end of my rib cage and i feel some bone or something this isn't my liver is it i know ive poked at it an pressed one it till whatever it is ive got it hurtting,ive read alot about an enlarged liver an liver diease an i dont seem to have any symtoms besides just this strange pain,im going to the gastroligist feb sec but i honestly don't know what to tell him because ive already had all kinda test ran and everything seems normal should i trust my doctors and these test? they seem pretty sure that its not my liver. i do drink i use to drink every weekend fri.sat.sometime sun. now ive slowed it down to just usually on saterdays sometime fridays.but usually just beer.so does anybody know what i could be feeling an mistaking it for an enlarged liver? i was told on a doctors for that if the ultrasound/ctscan came back normal that its highly unlikely liver diease or any type of liver problem there. im just a nervous wreck i also had my gallbladder checked an pancres so could anybody please give me some headup an tell me if i should stop worrying ab my liver an move on... btw could it be my gastritis causing this?

paula lynne
27-01-12, 09:10
Hi there, if you are still getting the pain, go back and see your docotor. Also, cutting out any alcohol for at least a week to see if the pain improves is probably a good idea. Best wishes.

27-01-12, 09:27
Hey there,

If you had your tests done and results are clean, there is nothing to worry about Liver diseases. As far as I know, liver diseases don't give any notable symptoms (not only a pain, many of them together) until they reach to a bad stage. In that case, liver problems can only be detected with blood tests, abdominal scans and physical doctor controls. If your tests are OK, I say you should not worry about it. And doctor would understand if your liver had excess fat or got bigger during controls. So no worries.

I am visiting doctor on monday with same type of problem but I don't drink alcohol. In addition to tenderness and bruise like pain in under right ribcage area, I have digestion problems and extreme amount of gas also. The slight pain is sometimes at my back (right side and in between shoulder blades). So I am guessing it's nothing too serious because I do not have other symptoms. I hope :P

But yeah, stop drinking alcohol and see if there is any improvement. Even though your liver got tired or anything, liver has an unbelievable power of regeneration. It will heal by it self.
Feel well soon.