View Full Version : Please help on the verge of a panic attack......

27-01-12, 03:25
Hi, I'm a female of 27, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but I am going out of my mind with worry here a the moment.

I've noticed over the last week on myself

Slight abdominal pain
Moving chest pains
Severe fatigue (falling asleep at 8 or 9pm)
Weakness- Bad at the min my head is very heavy
Itchy eyes.

My son (4)- Sleepy, cough
My daughter (4 months) sleepy.
Ysterday, sickness and diorreah.

Somebody mentioned about CM? To me, our gas safety check is out of date...I'm petrified that we have been poisoned. I feel very weak at the moment, I cannot sleep from fear....I do suffer with anxiety but the above symptoms are to severe to be that,....plus I've never been falling asleep at 8 or 9pm a month or two ago....
I don't know what to do....Im going to buy a monitor first thing. What if it shows positive?
Do I call the doctor or an ambulance?
I'm really scared
I'm so shaky I just want to cry....

---------- Post added at 03:25 ---------- Previous post was at 03:23 ----------

CM- Carbon Monoxide.....
I have the heating on all day everyday....I do notice a slight improvement when out of the house after a couple of hours......

27-01-12, 04:45
I don't know a lot, but from what I have heard, it always seems like carbon monoxide can hurt people very quickly (like overnight), instead of over the course of a week. It obviously is a good idea to have a working monitor just to be safe, but I would guess it might be something else, a bug going around your family or maybe allergies. Again, I don't really know, but if you are very worried just spend the night somewhere else until you get the monitor hooked up?

27-01-12, 06:43
Hiya...Still feeling very sick

Called national grid who have just come out and turned the gas off.....now waiting for an engineer to come out and test for Carbon Monoxide....
Just had a massive argument with my husband cas he literally thinks I'm mental......IN A WAY....I HOPE THEY FIND SOMETHING....THEN I WILL KNOW WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME.....


---------- Post added at 06:43 ---------- Previous post was at 05:18 ----------

Out of no where...Just threw up....I'm getting worried now there is something proper wrong here....the engineer still hasn't showed yet...I just want to know so I can make a decision to go to hospital or not, I have a 4 month old to look after so can't just get up and go.....

blue moon
27-01-12, 06:51
Hi Em.Try to to get your breathing under control,do you know how?
Petra xx

macc noodle
27-01-12, 06:53
Look - have you considered that you just have a virus?? And then added on top of that anxiety which is making you have more symptoms and adding to the worry?

I suffer with HA (health anx) and GAD and when I am bad, I am bad - I over worry every little feeling and sensation in my body BUT I have realised that if I busy myself doing something then the sensations lessen and thus I relax a little.

As a matter of interest why did they switch it off - did their meter show a high level of CO2 in the building?

Also, make sure you have good ventilation - I always keep my bedroom windows on catch to allow fresh air thru - I know that it may seem silly to let the heat out but I just add another layer to the beds so that the kids are cosy and warm in bed but have fresh air in the room. Helps keep the bugs at bay too at this time of year.

Please try and relax - the gas is off now and it will be checked.

You are all safe and probably just have one of these winter bugs going around. It is quite normal at this time of year.

Macc Noodle

PS just seen Petra's breathing question - the easiest way to achieve this without even thinking about it is to put some music on and singalong or sing nursery rhymes - it really does work xx

27-01-12, 06:57
Hi Petra.

I'm not really breathless at the min, it's a mixture of horrible symptoms and I feel like I could pass out...,.weak.
I just want these guys to come so I can confirm yes or no. If it's a no I can book an appointment to see the doctor on an emergency appointment.....my symptoms are no easing...I've been up since 2am and it's now almost 7am....
I just cannot concentrate....i feel very cold, my legs are dead...I know its possible that some anxiety symptoms are there but im not well.......

Just had a call, said they will be here bout 8am.....jeez....they like to keep you hanging don't they....?.....

macc noodle
27-01-12, 07:11
Hey Em

You are doing well for them to be coming about 8am!!!

Listen, you feel so rubbish because you are over tired and suffering from a bug - and add on top of that the massive anxiety you are suffering - no wonder you feel so pants!

lack of concentration - anx
cold feeling - anx
dead legs = numbness = anx

And that is what the doc will say if you get to see one - if it is anything like my practice, the receptionist will get the emergency nurse to call you and triage you over the phone and she will say - take some paracetomol and see how you go.

Listen - do not beat yourself up if the readings are ok when the gas board come - it does not mean that you have some dreaded illness - it is almost certainly going to be a virus.


27-01-12, 09:08
Any news Em ?

29-01-12, 08:24
I had fears like this for a few days, but i always heard of it affecting people over the course of a few hours, not days. i know how horrible it feels to have to wait for an answer from someone else so you can be at ease and continue your life. Any updates?

macc noodle
29-01-12, 08:44
I hope Em is ok since we have heard nothing from her since Friday - wishing you well Em and let us know how you got on when you feel up to it.

Macc Noodle

29-01-12, 09:34
She did post on this site yesterday, so that is good. :)