View Full Version : things are getting worse.. need help

27-01-12, 03:38
hey guys. my name is kevin and im 17 years old.The past few months have been hard as ive been diagnosed with health anxiety.. mentally and emotionally im all good but im getting progressive symptoms that are getting beyond a joke..
i have numbness in my body mostly my head and my vision is always really blurry.. my eating is very poor as i find it hard to eat and i cant do anything that i would like to do in life (go to college, get a job, driving, socially active) so now i mostly stay in the house and dwell on the symptoms i get as the docs wont listen to me.
i had an mri scan last april and had no complications and everything came back fine.. but since then symptom wise things have dipped dramatically. ijust always feel weak and numb about my face , tingling on my scalp and tight sensation on my face like my skin is too tight, im on no long term medication, i have some diazepam but im reluctant to take it regularly now as it can be addictive.. i reallly dont know what to do now guys im scared and feeling hopeless yet again the feelings i get i cant control, i cant even shut my eyes for a long period of time as my head becomes numb :wacko: i cant do mindfullnss techniques as my head goes numb again... im convinced yet again i have a serious neurological disorder that gets worse overtime.. and i dont know what to do :(, thanks for taking the time to read my post its appreciated:hugs: and any advice will be appreciated, as always.

-kevin :shrug:

macc noodle
27-01-12, 07:06

I really sympathise with you on this one - I too have suffered dreadful HA and GAD - with CBT therapy I have had a good 6 months but am currently struggling too.

It does help to have some strategies that will work for you and lessen the intensity of the sensations you are feeling. So it is a matter of finding what works for you.

With regard to the head numbness - I suffer from this and every damned time I get it I go into freefall with panic because it is such an unpleasant feeling and Dr Google will offer up every possible opportunity to convince you that you have a dreaded incurable disease, making you feel even more doom laden...... I know (been there and most defo have the t-shirts) - I had it last night and even now as I type this I can feel it lurking - but last night I set to and cleaned my kitchen top to bottom - did I have head numbness once I got into it- strangely enough no - but as soon as I sat down to relax BANG it got me again.

So a nice warm bubble bath down the line, all was well and I was symptom free until I went to bed and then slept beautifully until 4.30am - and then had to get up - this morning to have a heart attack !!!

Yep the evil little devil has decided to attack me there this morning ................... I can feel that today is going to be a long one......................

Look all I am trying to say here - is that you are not alone and that you should ask the docs for a referral to get some therapy. The therapy will help you if you are receptive to what you are asked to do and give you the quality of life you desire.

You have to fight it hon, there is no choice.

Trust me you do not have an incurable disease like a brain tumour or a progressive neurological disorder - you have something that is nasty and can rule your life if you let it - Anxiety - or you can try and make the changes needed for you to conquer the little devil.

I know you are only young to be suffering like this but I started at 15 so know what it feels like - but I am a very stubborn person and have always tried to keep going and do what I want to do - and Kevin I have and I have reached the grand old age of 50 (lol) (oops how embarrassing for a 50 yr old to say lol - my 16 year old son would cringe) - get some help with anx and focus on that - it will get better in the end.

Macc Noodle

paula lynne
27-01-12, 09:15
Hi Kevin, are you the same Kevin who posted about black stools? Did you see your Gp in the end?

27-01-12, 10:02
Hey Kevin, do not worry yourself too much.
I recommend you to use the medication your doctor gave you, and no, the new generation medicines do not make addiction. I used for 6 months and got over with my daily panic attacks and extreme sleeping problems.

Try to keep calm. If the tests you are having are usually clean, then you have no physical problems. All of these tightness feelings, numbness on skull and face, tingling sensations... all are stress related. If you keep on feeding them with your thoughts, they will get worse.

You are just 17, chances of you having a very serious disease are very low. Of course we always think "this is life who knows, there are examples of younger people experiencing weirdest diseases." but that doesn't mean you will have them. Please do not feed those thoughts and continue with your medication. You won't feel any improvement before 1 month, so do not cut it in middle.

feel well soon.

27-01-12, 10:28
I think it would be wise to go back to the GP and get either some medication to control the short term affects or some cbt that you can work on :) xxx

27-01-12, 10:35
hey no i didnt post anything about black stools paula x.

im not on any long term medication beyonderz and i agree hearing things freaks me out but this is the first stag eof panic ive been in for a while but yet the symptoms are getting worse over time x

macc - thanks for ur amazing detailed post, words cant descrive how much i appreciate the thought and effort u put into it.. ive been reading it all morning and trying to take the advice u give me.. ill follow up on getting therepy and push for some long term medication if needed, thanks again x.


27-01-12, 10:38
I agree with Sar, I think you need to see a different GP and ask for a referral for therapy to talk about your health anxieties. It sounds horrible, but you have to persist for some treatment for the anxiety and hopefully that will help with the symptoms.... good luck.

27-01-12, 10:40
Ahh, you sound like me, I get all that and have complained to my doctor that I have a neurological disorder underlying somewhere but they try to assure me it's just my anxiety and that I need to relax... I still have no idea. They never gave me diazipam, I could've used it though! I hate the whole skin feelings, I have them right now. Don't know what to try next D:

27-01-12, 10:43
thanks for the post sar ill look into it x

lindy - its like living in hell for me at the momentconstant feeling of numbness is torture, i would rather pain than this.... yet im not depressed nor feeling stressed.. only these symptoms that are getting worse x

paula lynne
27-01-12, 12:39
Sorry mate, wrong person :blush: Im getting confused in my old age.
Hope you feel better soon x Dont ever give up, youve got the rest of your life ahead of you, and recovery is possible. Youve had some great advice, so I just want to say, Im wishing the best for you x

27-01-12, 17:03

have you had any blood tests to check your b12 levels?

I had a tingly/numb right side of my face/head (exacerbated by stress!) anyway it turned out my b12 levels are reaaally low which can cause some tinglyness :) worth checking!