View Full Version : panic is awful...

27-01-12, 04:25
I started being panicky about my doctor's appointment tomorrow for the lump near my groin and now the anxiety has just sky-rocketed ... I am all alone this week because my bf is away for work, and that is making it worse because usually he can distract me or talk me down. I am convinced I have some type of cancer because of the lump and the muscle pain I have been experiencing. I know it's muscle pain, but I'm freaking anyway. Also more gas than usual ... which I know is because I changed to eating more fiber so I'd be more regular, but that also started to give me more gas ...

The worst part is that I KNOW where the symptoms are coming from, I just cannot forget them.

I am doing counseling to no avail and I am not getting anywhere. I tried to bring up the problems with my counselor again this week, and she said "Oh I'm scared of cancer too, we all are" and instead of making me feel better, which I know was her intent, it just made me feel like she was brushing aside my worries. I try to make her understand how hard it is on me, and it feels like she minimizes it and instead focuses on other issues in my life.

Maybe I need a new counselor? Should I investigate medications? I'm afraid of the side effects ... I don't want to worry about weight gain, as I have self-esteem problems already ... also don't want to worry about depression, no sex drive, feeling spaced out, tired, or more anxiety ...

paula lynne
27-01-12, 09:26
Hi, hope things went ok with your doctor?
You sound like you need a new councellor to me, one who takes your worries seriously, and who doesnt brush them under the rug without a second thought....
Dont investigate medications, you will compound your anxiety and panic.
Most meds have side effects, but for most people, having some quality of life far outweighs them. Talk to your doctor about your options.
Best wishes, Paula x