View Full Version : Bowel cancer???!!!!

mark the gardener
27-01-12, 14:19
Hi all,

Back in late July, we found out my wife was pregnant with our first child (since found out he's a boy, get in!) It was a surprise, and I was hit sideways by it! since then, Ive had some real stomach/bowel issues which I've convinced myself are cancer. It all started with a really dodgy bout of diarrhoea, accompanied by chest pains, palpitations, lower back, and abdominal pains. Went to GP, and he did a urine test which was clear, and he said it was probably just something viral. I still felt "iffy" after a week or so, with palps and a dodgy stomach, and now with what I was convinced was liver pain. I had an ecg, broad scope blood tests, and a physical exam. everything came back clear, and it was all put down to baby stress, and my impending wedding in early October. A couple of weeks on still, and I'm back in again! This time, still with the dodgy stomach, and upper abs pain. I did a fecal occult test for any nasties, which came back clear. Verdict: Stress again. So it's now late Sept, and I'm back again! Severe reflux now. I'd been given omeprazole back in Jan for reflux, where by I was told "you've *probably* got a hiatus hernia". The reflux went away before I took the omep, so I kept it, in case it flared it up again. Good move. I took it, but it made me stack on 6lbs! Not what I needed pre-wedding! When I saw the gp, he said it's wedding stress/baby worries, and gave me something else. Wedding came and went with honeymoon, felt better, but I think the omep (had to take it again as reflux was really bad) was making me feel groggy and strangely aggressive, and irritable! I was in bed one evening, and I woke suddenly with stomach cramps and upper abdominal pain/diarrhoea, some of the worst Ive ever had. Went back to gp AGAIN, and had another liover function test, which came back clear, and an ultrasound scan (upper abs), which again was clear. The problem however, came when the nurse said "All great, but if the pain persists, pop back to the gp, as it could be bowel related" By the time I'd got to the car, I had bowel cancer!!! Ive been back to the gp, who's said basically to just chill the hell out, as I've had ibs for years, and it's just really severe because of the baby thing. I'm not sleeping well, partially due to worry, and because I'm sometimes waking up in the night to move my bowels (very polite way of saying it for a potty mouth like me!) I feel bloated, I'm still getting the abs pain, and feel pretty crappy all round. I'm otherwise fit, and go hiking over the Mendip Hills with my lurcher most weekends, anything from 5 to 10 miles. I read a story about a poor woman who was told she just had ibs, only to eventually find it was bowel cancer, and I'm terrified it'll happen to me. I know 32 would be young to get it, but it's not impossible. I'm waiting on cbt, but it's taking ages to come through. In the mean time, should I go back to my gp again? I'm worried they think I'm the boy who cried wolf and they're fobbing me off with this ibs thing. I'm so scared I wont see my boy grow up big and strong, or be able to take him to gwithian and teach him to surf, and watch the girls chasing him. I'm at my wits end, and any advice whatsoever would be so very greatly appreciated. Sorry to ramble on so much!

Thanks again,


27-01-12, 14:36
Firstly congrats on bay news:yesyes:

Ok your really getting in a state over this so the doc has given you sound advice.....chill man!!! Rich coming from me whose had EVERY cancer and worries myself sick:mad: you've had loads of test all normal and your occult test showed no blood SO enjoy your little boy and look forward to all those great times your gonna have together:yesyes:

27-01-12, 17:48
Oh Mark I know how you feel. I'm in a similar position to you, the difference is I just had a baby three months ago, and have been having IBS symptoms for about 6 months. It's been awful. The drs are convinced they don't need to test for anything, and aren't bothered about my family history, so if they're not worried about me then I'm sure yours is just your IBS flaring up more with the stress!

I have awful stools and bowel problems atm and I've given up complaining to the doctors because they brush it off all the time. I've never had IBS before though... so you've got that to fall back on.

I'm sure you'll be fine, all the tests you've done rule out alot of things, and if they've done a stool test it should tell them enough. If they haven't, you can always ask them to.

mark the gardener
28-01-12, 00:58
Thank you so much for the replys you've both taken the time to send.
I've had another bad night tonight with the old stomach gripe though. Round the inlaws watching a film and nearly had to run out of the house! I just started dwelling on it all and it made me freak right out. I spoke to my mum after, and she said the same as you guys, but also said "course your dads dad died of bowel cancer"! Ooooooh righty then, some sodding help you are! Cue nervous breakdown on the way home, and me now sitting up in the middle of the night writing this! I'm just a bit wobbly over the whole thing, and as you suggest, I'm thinking about a colonoscopy to rule the nasty one out, however, the thought of this sends me spiralling into anxious oblivion as much as the thought of the cancer! A mate had one done and said it was like the third reich marching up his arse (warned you about the potty mouth!). Christ, I'm all over the shop! But as I said, I'm truly greatfull for your time.
All the very best to you both, and I hope you manage to chill the hell out too!

28-01-12, 08:14

My mum and brother have had a colonoscopy and said its nowt! and my brother is a wuss:D....just a question BUT when your taking your dog a lovely walk up mendip do you still feel the same panic????

mark the gardener
28-01-12, 19:05
I push myself so damned hard on those walks, I haven't got time to think about anything other than where my next footstep needs to land to stopmyself breaking my ankles. I did both sides of Cheddar Gorge, not the tourist route, the one classed as severe in the guide books, in an hour and fifty minutes last weekend. there are some gradients as steep as one in three, and I can march right on up them without stopping. Not bad for a 5'6" lard arse of 14 stone! I always feel better after, short lived admittedly, but better none the less. It just never goes away completely though. Had a bad morning this morning, couldn't go to the farm I help out on because I got out of bed and just errupted into floods of tears. Couldn't handle seeing anyone, or even watching t.v. I just feel like a damned nut! Glad your folks had an easy time with the old colonoscopy, I just hope if I have to have it, they'll knock me out, or get me so off my thrupenny bits I couldn't care an arse about, well, what they put up my arse!

Thanks for getting back, I really appreciate it, youre an angel!

29-01-12, 08:17
well mark Ive been called a few things.....but I like angel:yesyes::yesyes:

I was asking about the walking because Im a really keen mountain biker, everyday about 13[15 miles and when Im out there pedalling away I dont think about my health worries:blush: when I get back of course they return:mad: so unless I do a forrest gump on a bike and never get off the thingI reckon I'll always have this flaming HA:weep:


29-01-12, 08:32
I think us with HA are soooooooooo much more aware of our bodys, yes we pick and prod way too much:) and our minds play wicked games but ppl who dont have HA (like my hubby) will have bowel probs or other syptoms but are so "relaxed" over it will never go see the doc! and yes IBS is a sod but a lot of ppl do have it:D