View Full Version : A bit confused.......

27-01-12, 14:22
Hi guys,

I have recently been suffering with Panic Attacks & Anxiety. It all seemed to be revolving around my period.

Anyway after a bit of a break down around new year I decided to go to the docs and get Prozac again. (I had been on them 10 years ago for the same problems). After 3 days I couldn't function at all couldn't get out of bed had terrible panic feelings constantly, felt sick retching in the morning and having to run to the toilet for a number 2. I totally felt like my life was over. Went to work and had a massive breakdown in front of my boss and decided to have a week off on Holiday to try and sort myself out!!

I decided to stop taking the Prozac after 7 days couldn't hack it anymore. It was strange as even though I felt this way I didn't feel depressed. I felt sad that I felt this way and wanted to feel normal again. I started looking on here searching for answers. I came across a post about "No meds just magnesium" And I thought may as well give it a go!! So after 2 really bad nights over last weekend on the Sunday I decided to start taking magnesium and vit B.

I woke up Monday morning retching etc but after 30 mins I felt ok. When my husband left to go to work I didn't feel anxious at all as I had been the last few weeks (was panicking incase I couldn't look after my 22 month old son!! Sitting waiting on for my mam to walk through the door to help me). I decided I was going to go out shopping on the after with my mam as my dad was coming for my little boy!!.

No panic, no anxious feelings, nothing just normal!!!

The things is I'm not sure if this has now passed and was maybe due to stress through to both me and my husband having to re-apply for our jobs!!!

I am really confused about the whole thing... Can that just happen????? Surely it can't be the magnesium working over night???? I know I should be really happy (which I am) But I keep thinking it will return.........

Just wondering what other peoples thoughts are?? Or if they have experienced this?? That it just vanishes??? I have even been back on my period and didn't feel anxious or panic??



macc noodle
27-01-12, 14:41
Hey Kendra I would just go with the flow and celebrate the demise of the anxiety and panic.

If it returns, then send it packing again.

Macc Noodle

27-01-12, 16:49
Thanks Macc Noodle, I totally know I should be that way but it just seems like its hard to believe its happened. But you are so right!!!

Thank you .......