View Full Version : Below normal white blood cell count

27-01-12, 15:48
Mines was below normal in my most recent blood count that and my lyphmocites my dr says its nothing to worry about as the vary all the time but I'm really scared!! Isn't that the tests that show u have cancer of some sort!!!

I feel so sick about this.

Lele x

27-01-12, 15:59
Don't panic - the labs know what looks suspicious or not, I worked at a drs and any seriously abnormal results would be flagged up straight away by the lab to the Dr.

Usually results like yours just mean you could be fighting off an infection not anything you would even know about - like a cold that is going round but you have no symptoms because your body is dealing with it.

There are no hard and fast right or wrong with alot of blood results - there is a normal range which is just that "most" people are in that range but a bit either side of it means nothing, anything sinister gives totally abnormal results for example my friend had multiple myeloma the blood cancer and her ESR blood test came back at 250 the normal range is up to 17 for her age so this was grossly abnormal which meant they immediately sent her for loads of tests.

Hope this reassures.

27-01-12, 16:04
Thank you so much :hugs: I really hope so!!! I'm just so scared..

Lele x

27-01-12, 21:01
Anyone else??

27-01-12, 21:25
It's happened to me too. Came back normal a couple of weeks later and I never did find out why it happened. I was in a real panic about it - I nearly fainted in the surgery after the doc told me as I was imagining all kinds of things. Doc said it is quite common, especially if you're run down which many of us are due to increased anxiety levels.

Take care and try not to worry too much (easier said than done, I know)

Pip x

27-01-12, 21:28
Hi there

You asked this the other day as well - loads of replies here:


27-01-12, 21:53
Thanks pip.. Just so worried. X