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27-01-12, 16:50
Is this pneumonia?
I had q panic last night, ended up calling a gas company at 3am who turned it off as I told them I thought I had carbon monoxide poisoning,,,turned out it was ok nothing like that...now my husband isn't talking to me cas he thinks I'm a nut case...running to the doctor etc etc....
December 3rd had a bad sinus infection
THIS then lead onto a chest infection.
FOLLOWED THEN by a Throat infection, I was prescribed antibiotics but didn't take them...this was about a few weeks ago....

I've been feeling pretty bad the last few days...started gradually but symptoms had got extreme last night...so much I thought I was going to pass out....I had FBC last Wed but havnt heard anything from the doctor ( not reassured thought as when I was pregnant my iron was low and they forgot to ring me )

Symptoms now are.....

Numb forehead on and off head ache\pressure
Achy arms and legs
Last night legs went numb?*
Dry cough, coughing up bogies... : */ yellow*
Upper chest pain
Heart palls bad ones with skipped beats...accompanied with choking sensation*
Pain near both ribs short stabbing ones
Proper dizzy and weak. Vertigo?
cold last night/ diorreah /vomited once
Tingly lips now and again.
Pretty pale as well

I HAVE NO TEMP. When I last checked it was low at 91. F
I do have a history of iron problems but don't want to take anything with my heart banging about like it is....

It's funny cas every time I have ever told my doctor about the heart palls and dizziness he has never ordered any tests specific ones...I smoke over 20 daily!*
He just throws antibiotics at me and I don't take them as I get scared taking meds due all the side effects I had on the antidepressents he put me on......

I know it's pretty long but I feel really bad.....I wanted to call my doctor today to ask about my FBC results but didn't want to in front of my husband as he is so pissed with me at the moment....

So fed up.....

27-01-12, 16:56
Hey Em, hi there,

I am glad it wasn't a Carbon Monoxide issue, that is good news. However, it really would be impossible to say if you have a chest infection or not as we aren't medical people. I will say one thing though, if you had a sinus infection and then a diagnosed chest infection but did not take the anti-biotics then it could be something lingering on.

Pneumonia can be treated (my Dad had it last year badly) but it does involve taking meds I'm afraid. I share your fear of medications, I am phobic to the extent that until last week (hurrah!!!) I hadn't even take a paracetamol for 12 years. However, as a smoker you can't mess with chest infections and just hope that they go on their own. As for taking iron tablets, actually there is nothing to worry about with taking them AT ALL, the substance in them naturally occurs in lots of things you already eat.....so it you had an issue with iron you would be being ill with food ;o)

I think you need a check-up, a stethoscope on the chest etc. to rule out any underlying health problems, before assuming it is all anxiety.


27-01-12, 16:56
It sounds like just a bad virus or cold ... if you had pneumonia, I'm sure you would be unable to get out of bed and your breathing symptoms would be much worse. My sister had pneumonia and could not get out of bed for a couple weeks. Again, I think it sounds just like a bad bug and on top of that you have anxiety, which is 1. making your symptoms feel worse and 2. making you more susceptible to these bugs. I think you probably just need some rest, fluids, and vitamin C :)

Also I know what you mean about being freaked out about antibiotics, but really they might help you finally kick this thing. They might just give you an upset tummy or diarrhea, but not all the time. For me it depends on the antibiotic. I was fine on ceftin, but had tummy issues with the z pack.

I do know how you feel though, about being fed up with doctors not listening. I was lucky enough to find an understanding doctor, who was patient and answered all my questions. Then she went on indefinite leave of absence! But today I saw her replacement, and she was just as nice. I would suggest seeing a more patient doctor if you can.

27-01-12, 17:11
Whne my husband had pneumonia he was barely conscious and could not breathe his oxygen levels were low hence being semi conscious.

If you did not take the anti biotics after being diagnosed with a chest infection then you probably still have the infection, only way of knowing is to get Dr to listen to your chest again and admit the error of your ways:) plus the sinus infection might not have cleared up either which could account for all your symptoms at present.

27-01-12, 17:41
Yeah, was going to add that....my Dad's oxygen levels were incredibly low (35%), he was very ill and was too ill to really function at all.

27-01-12, 17:47
A lot of those symptoms can be attributed to anxiety! I agree with everyone else though, if you didn't take prescribed antibiotics you may have a bug still hanging on. Get checked out!

Good luck x

27-01-12, 22:20
When I had it, it started as an ache in my back. Had a bit of a sore throat. I woke up at 1am with a severe stabbing in my back. I was actually bent over double and couldn't get my breath as every time i breathed in it was like a knife in my back.

I have to admit though that I wasn't really ill with it and just had 3 weeks off work, in bed. Well... I went camping on the last week but the first two weeks was just bed rest!

So, I really don't think you have pneumonia. Nope. Just cold symptoms mixed with your anxieties.

---------- Post added at 22:20 ---------- Previous post was at 22:18 ----------

By the way... the stabbing pain wasn't just like a stitch... it really really REALLY hurt!