View Full Version : First doctors appointment

27-01-12, 19:00
Hi everyone. I joined NMP yesterday as I felt it about time I started to talk to people and get some support with what I'm going through. I finally feel that I've built up enough courage (as I don't like doctors and hospitals at all. They scare the crap out of me) to make an appointment with my doctor as these panic attacks are getting more frequent and I don't want them to take over my life. I'm going to make an appointment for next week but don't even know where to start talking about it, as I know I can't talk about it all day with them. If you don't mind me asking, how did you all approach your first doctors appointment? Did you just blurt it out? Stick to certain points? Write a letter. How did you start the conversation? I just want to be taken seriously. I don't want to get fobbed off, as it's really bothering me. I don't want them to think I'm wasting their time or think I'm a weirdo. Any advice on how to approach my first doctors appointment would be really appreciated. Thank you. Kindest regards. Rebecca

27-01-12, 19:15
hi Rebecca
you will find doctors see lots of patients with anx/panic disorders...its very common now, so you wont need to explain all the ins and outs... if you go in and say you are suffering panic attacks, they will ask the questions im sure... like how long youve had, whats causing them... dont be afraid at all...
i went to gp few months back and just said i think i have extreme anxiety, and you just go from there... they ask the questions so they cant determine what courseof action needs to be taken...

---------- Post added at 19:15 ---------- Previous post was at 19:12 ----------

REMEMBER THIS=you have an attack and THEN you panic = I dont have panic attacks anymore = i still have attacks , i just DONT panic.... you cant stop an attack (when you feel heart start racing etc) but you can choose not to panic.... without fuel (adrenaline) they just die off... so when you feel an attack, just say yeah watever, im not scared ... and it cant go to full panic without all the worrying thoughts you add... I remember getting to the stage, where they were so bad, i just said one day, do whatever you want to me, i dont care anymore, and when i did that i realsed they attack just died off ... because i didnt care and wasnt scared....

27-01-12, 19:26
Thank you for your reply stormsky. I think I'm scared of seeing the doctor as 10 years ago I visited them for some other psychological issues and did not have a very nice experience from it. I do have another GP now, so i suppose I better give them a chance. Lol. They're supposed to be trained in all this kind of stuff right? Kindest regards. Rebecca. Xxx

27-01-12, 19:30
I understand what your saying, i had same problem about 10yrs ago too! they are better now though!! so hopefully yours will be trained up! dont worry..

27-01-12, 19:36
Thank you. I suppose I've nothing to lose. Monday morning I book the appointment then. X

27-01-12, 19:48
Even if you dont want medication, it will be good to go talk to your GP about it all, and maybe they can refer you for counselling should you want it... Cognitive behavoural therapy is the normal counselling offered....

27-01-12, 19:57
I did have counselling at university. I thought everything was ok. But obviously not. Maybe I still need to talk about things. Thank you for your support. It's so reassuring knowing I'm not alone. X

06-02-12, 08:56
Ok, so I made my doctors appointment and went to see him this morning. I was very surprised at how understanding he was. He informed me that there was 2 options, either separate or together, CBT and medication. I opted to try the CBT frist before any medication and have been referred to see someone. I have been lucky in that somebody has cancelled and the earliest I am in for my first CBT appointment is tomorrow morning. I'll keep you all posted on how it goes. Thanks again for your support.

Take care

