View Full Version : any advice? -10mg to 20mg

28-01-12, 00:25
Hi all, I upped my Cit yesterday morning from 10mg to 20mg. I was not too bad all day but come the evening I have had really bad palpations and I feel really frightened again that there is something horribly wrong with me. My chest feels really tight and I cant seem to relax even though I am laying down. I have been on cit now for 17 days but only just upped my dose yesterday.

Can anyone relate to this. A very frightened person. I just want to feel myself again!!!!!!!!:weep:

28-01-12, 00:36
Very very common- if you search on here for posts from increasing 10mg- 20mg this is very normal and you have to put up with it i am afraid

28-01-12, 00:42
hold on. I went on to 20 straight away and although a bit scary at times it does settle.

28-01-12, 01:04
Thanks for the reassurance it's what I needed to hear xx

28-01-12, 11:32
20mg is the basic therapeutic dose, so it's most likely your own anxiety that's causing the trouble. It's highly unlikely that the increase in dosage is causing the effect so quickly. Give it at least four weeks for the full effects to settle in, pleasant effects that is.

If you do wake up at night don't just lie in bed, if you can get up and do something for 15 minutes or so. A good idea is to keep a diary then you can see how you're improving and what kicks off your anxiety attacks.

One of us

28-01-12, 12:00
Thanks one of us I will try that

29-01-12, 23:47
keep us updated too!