View Full Version : Some guidance needed

28-01-12, 02:06
About thirty years ago I suffered a shock which lead to panic attacks, it took me about eight years to realise and cope with what was happening and am extremely proud of that battle and getting over it, all I seem to have lost is my concentration. and gained loads of empathy for people suffering mental conditions.

Now about three years ago I ended up in hospital due to nerves on one side of neck and head swelling up, and found out the cause was not realising to take B vits, as I have been an heavy drinker for thirty years....having the prescribed B vits cleared a lot of symptoms up that I did not realise were related to deficiency, but about a year later other stuff started happening , had to trial and error with the B vits (as docs do not contain full range) , also the symptoms were triggering panic attacks, and was also stopping and starting alcohol, so was getting very confused with discerning what was withdrawal symptoms, B problem and associated panic attacks and anxiety.Or mixtures of them

Anyway recently, say in the last five weeks , after taking extra B vits, cutting down on , caffiene, plus use of an herb (yellow dock..I have used this before with good results as I thought the condition may be pernicious anaemiia...there has been gret improvement) anyway I am positive I have some underlying condition or nervedamage that was a trigger for the panic attacks , as I still get these base symptoms, trying to get this point across though to the doctors is a mammoth struggle as they just assume it is anxiety or panic attacks .

I am sure I have separated the two and there is something organic there.

28-01-12, 03:31
Hello Podshell

Welcome. My name is Vince and I live in the UK.

From what you have said there is something organic that is causing panic. It is called alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Not to be confused with delirium tremens. It can occurr 4 months or so after we have taken the last drink of alcohol.

It could be your liver has taken a beating . But I should say alcohol did at least help relax you and now that you are abstinent you are perhaps realising just how much of a help it was ....even though it is so, so, corrosive to the body.

All I can really suggest is seek other people in your town who have had similar experiences and talk . Or, better still, seek out a pastor and talk in private about what happened to you and how, after all these years, the event ambushed you and forced you to turn to the bottle.


28-01-12, 08:57
We often try to place where the anxiety comes from but you are the first person I have heard talk about nerve related association and I have been to docs, psychiatrists and had talking therapies.

'Unlike the studies on diabetic patients, these results do not suggest a structural damage to the vagus nerve in panic disorder patients'


28-01-12, 11:50
Thanks Swan, yes regards the panic attacks thirty years ago alcohol helped, all my liver tests have been OK though. There maybe something in the aclcohol withdrawal syndrome you mentioned, but these attacks have mingled in with drinking and not drinking periods. I do go to AA and other groups, but a bit of a problem arises due to me being almost certain of an organic component when most people have been diagnosed and treated via solely the psychological path. So the members of groups cannot seem to relate to this, which brings me on to Con's comments regards not hearing it mentioned by others , I can well imagine that it is such a difficult thing to sort out for people to know exactly what is going on so if you just go with the psychological stuff and if that is cured or lessened it is a great burden removed, I just feel it needs deeper physical tests even if it is just to put my mind at rest such as a scan or referal to a neurologist, these things have never ben done, it is just taking the 'health anxiety' route. of course it seems a cheaper and easier way for the doc and health service to go down the psychological route alone but may make it harder for me if I take this path as the doctors are more likely to ignore genuine organic problems, they will just assume it is health anxiety.

Btw Vince, it is the first time I have heard someone form here (Britain) use the word 'Pastor' , what part of the country are you from, if you dont mind me asking.

I am in the Manchester area

---------- Post added at 11:50 ---------- Previous post was at 11:36 ----------

Also I think people have deeper tests if they go through official detox and rehab, have never done any of these, it just worries me that I had so many years without the B protection and I have never been referred to neuroloist or for a scan as I am sure that would be the first thing to do , and believe me I have been to the doctors often enough in recent times.

28-01-12, 21:22
Hiya Podshell

I am in Manchester : )


28-01-12, 21:55
> I am in Manchester : )

Hi Vince

A fellow sufferer in more ways than one eh?

I was just reading the thread about feeling really scared by Anxiousmess and can realate to some of those things she is going through, in fact it scared me a bit reading it, but it got me thinking....Is there any thread or such on here where we can compare histories? eg regards meds, diet, other previous illnesses, etc, so that we may be able to compare notes and see if we can identify any common factors that could lead to these conditions?