View Full Version : of course the doctor's answer is not enough

28-01-12, 02:57
My dr told me that my lump is a benign lymph node, probably swollen from a pulled muscle. She said to ice it for a week and take advil and it should shrink. So why am I terrified that she is wrong, that it won't shrink, and it is cancerous? Why can't I just believe the doctor?

I should probably try the medicine she gave me for anxiety but I am too scared because I am home alone ... I know it is an extremely low dose, but I wish my boyfriend was home just in case, ya know? I've never taken these meds before...

sherylee xx
28-01-12, 03:05
the worst part of ha is the uncapability to believe doctors we self diagnose and doctors are wrong lol years of med school ect and we are convinced they are worng we have no degrees in health ect yet we know more then the doctors LOL tbh i think its the worst part of ha bein so unable to believe the doctors :( xx

28-01-12, 03:06
I think most people on here have been in the situation you are in, I never trusted my doctor but they are correct most of the time and if you can't trust them who can you trust? Personally I don't take meds for anxiety. I take herbal suppliements and they seem to work well for me but each to there own. Yes there are side-effects but just like everything your doctor has prescribed them for a reason and you have to give them a chance.

28-01-12, 05:59
I dont trust my doctors either. My fear is that I'll stop breathing, and sometimes I dont even trust myself, I listen to my chest with a stethoscope all the time, worried I'll miss something.

I also feel for you about the medication. My dr gave me something for anxiety and I'm very fearful to take anything when I'm alone, and half the time when I take it when someones around I get more anxious/worried about how its gonna make me feel.

good luck to you