View Full Version : Doctor visit on monday - catastrophe, catastrophe! -.-

28-01-12, 14:30
I will be visiting dr on monday morning due to the slight pain and pressure feeling around right ribcage, so much excessive gas and also slight back pain. Even though here in forums (and by many people around me) I have been told that it's most probably gallbladder related, I can not help but think the worst cases, like liver problems/cancer or lung related issues.

Damn the catastrophic way of thinking :/ I don't have a very serious problem in life and I really don't care about money and material things (therefore I am slightly more happier, no money - no problem, heheh), but still this way of thinking; "everything can't be going sort of smooth, there is something beneath it... catastrophe NOOOOOOOOO" way of thinking I mean.
I honestly started believing that one lives heaven and hell on earth. If one's mind is at ease, that person sure is in heaven. I guess we are sort of creating a hell for ourselves with those type of thoughts. I know this sounds like too much those spiritual stuff and all, but yeah. I guess trying to create a happy heaven with good thoughts, may help???

I want monday to come and pass quickkkk....

macc noodle
28-01-12, 15:15
Just one question - will you believe what the docs tell you and stop catastrophising??

If you suffer HA I sincerely doubt it - having suffered myself I do understand :hugs: - perhaps you could discuss your anxiety and propensity to catastrophise and see if they can offer any help with this.

Good luck - I am sure that you just have wind! Exacerbated by anx.

Macc Noodle

28-01-12, 15:31
You are right macc :) But I guess it will be sort of enough for me if they prove it with test results, xray, etc etc xD
At least I will be able to concentrate on the things I want to do. But I can not promise for next time, it will be something else with different symptoms probably.

That's why after this is cleared, I plan to work on my HA, contact a professional and if it is needed, use medication.
Life isn't fun with HA.

29-01-12, 08:22
So true Mac:blush: we got to the good old docs they say "your fine" and after a short bout of hapiness you're then onto the "next" illness:ohmy:

macc noodle
29-01-12, 09:00
You are right macc :) But I guess it will be sort of enough for me if they prove it with test results, xray, etc etc xD
At least I will be able to concentrate on the things I want to do. But I can not promise for next time, it will be something else with different symptoms probably.

That's why after this is cleared, I plan to work on my HA, contact a professional and if it is needed, use medication.
Life isn't fun with HA.

Doubt they will launch into a battery of tests for slight pain and wind though Beyonderz!!

And also doubt it is your Gall Bladder !! slightly more pain involved in that issue than you are describing.

More than likely good old wind - and I should know being a lifelong badge holder of "excellence in health anxiety" :D wind is indeed a most common side effect of anxiety and boy it can be painful at times!!!!

tc and good luck

Macc Noodle

29-01-12, 11:58
Thanks a lot really for kind comments. We will see what it is tomorrow morning :) hopefully nothing important.

29-01-12, 19:56
beyonderz, I have that pain and I mentioned it to my doctor on Thursday. She attributed it to my acid reflux. Do you/have you suffered with reflux?

Gallstones a very painful by all accounts. Think you'd be feeling much more poorly if it were that! :D

29-01-12, 20:47
Well to be honest I have reflux problem, but sometimes I feel it, sometimes not (naturally). Usually at night time or during sleep. Sometimes right after food.
For the last two days I am feeling myself better, but still so much gas and that strange feeling under right ribcage. With some BM problems (having smaller amounts and lighter and pale in color).
I will learn tomorrow.

I don't know if one has color change also, if it's just IBS...

30-01-12, 14:24
Beyonderz, let us know how it goes. :)

30-01-12, 14:31
Yeah OK, I visited doctor and he made control overall and checked the abdomen and such, then because my pulse rate was a bit faster than normal, he asked someone to do EKG, and after he said it's no big problem with heart, just a little tachycardia. He said it's probably because of my extra weight.

He said my problem may be cholecystitis, colitis or some other type of inflammation. He asked for so many amount of blood tests, including the most basic things like fat in blood, cholesterol and liver functions (maybe thyroid and blood sugar also).

I asked about the stool problems I had, and he said it can be related to so many things, but one should be cautious if there is visible blood, and/or an overall color change to red. When I asked about those red pieces in stool, he didn't pay attention to them much and said probably it's nothing. He gave me a medicine for excessive gas.

Anyways, if there is a problem, I will be knowing it in 1 week. He is going to call me if he needs to discuss something further (I hope not) or I'll just receive a letter from health center saying the results. I hope it's nothing serious.