View Full Version : Well Monday is time for my Cystoscopy.

28-01-12, 16:42
Well as the title says i am having a cystoscopy done on Monday for microscopic blood in my urine i am so bricking it.

Has anyone ever had one done before? Is it Painful?

Males preferably as i guess it's more intrusive for a man?

Also i had a CT Scan done 3-4 months back and nothing showed on the scan in my kidneys/bladder if they was something to worry about would it have shown in that original scan? (Maybes already asked that question)

30-01-12, 03:47
I am actually thinking about cancelling it and going at a later date i am so scared about the after effect's of it.

30-01-12, 04:01
My dad had one of those done for his bowels because he had some blood. I wouldnt think its anything to worrying about. If it was your gp wouldve done something urgently about it and very quickly. Probably just checking for any inflammation or something like that. I wouldnt cancel it aye the sooner you get it done the quicker it will be over with.

All the best aye :)

30-01-12, 18:39
Well i plucked up the courage as i knew if i left it again i would regret it and be in the same stage in 2 weeks time.

They took my blood pressure as i was getting ready was really high 190ish i think my heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest (guessing this is just down to stress?)

Anyways the exam wasn't to bad a bit embarrassing since it was 1 lady urologist and 2 nurses but i guess they have seen it all before, all i felt was a slight weird sensation while the camera was going down then she said i would have to have a wee (guessing that was to get in to the bladder) and 1 min after she was done.

Clean bill of health said my bladder was perfect and my tubes, now i just have to put up with my wee stinging like crazy.

Is it normal for the first few uranation's to seem like they are dribbling out?

30-01-12, 18:46
Well done:D and glad to hear all is ok:yesyes: Im sure after such an invasive procedure you'll have "wee" probs for a few day......just drink plenty of water to have a good flush out!!!!

30-01-12, 18:56
Obviously I am the female of the species but I had one of these done last August and for 24 hrs afterwards it stung like heck to wee but I was fine after that. You need to drink more than you normally do preferably in the first 8 hrs afterwards so this might be too late now but you need to keep flushing your bladder out to prevent infection. Don't go overboard though or you can make yourself ill from too much fluid!

If you still have symptoms in a couple of days then take a water sample to your Drs as you may have picked up an infection but chances are you will be fine by tomorrow.

30-01-12, 19:18
Yeah i had the scope done only 2 hours ago at about 5ish, i have drank 3 glasses of water so far been to the loo twice and a few dribbles.

Stings like hell, but overall it wasn't as bad as i thought it would have been just embarrassing than anything else for me.

But its the good news i wanted now i have everything off my back health wise, it's been a tough 6 months maybes i can get my life back on track.