View Full Version : neurological??

sherylee xx
28-01-12, 17:10
well most of my anxiety is to do with my head, iget all sorts of symptoms :( anywho today and last night i keep gettin niggly pains in my temples and today i keep gettin like an achin pain in my right hand and arm its hard to explain i get the same pain in my back abit too, anyway its all down one side of my body which i know can be symptoms of a brain tumot :scared15: today i have also been very off balence to the point of almost fallin over and i have blurred vision i do have a cold and feel rotton anyway but iv never had these thing when havin a cold before :( i also keep gettin a burnin stingin feelin on my fore head its really intense and sometimes it happens when i strain or yawn not all the time though sometimes it just happens :( please help with some advise xx

28-01-12, 17:49
I have posted a similar thing further down. I have been feeling dreadful today. Head pressure, feeling off balance, earache and odd twitching which when I google are brain tumour signs

sherylee xx
28-01-12, 17:51
awful isnt it :( im tryin not to ring nhs direct but its hard xx

28-01-12, 17:52
I have been to my drs three times and said its anxiety. How long have you been feeling like this?

sherylee xx
28-01-12, 17:55
i have been like this for 7 months hun iv seen about 8 different doctors all said its anxiety but i really struggle to believe them i did have an appointment with a neuroligist in march but its now been cancelled and im waitin for another appointment :( xx

28-01-12, 18:01
Mine started new years eve with my first migrane. Since then I have had tension headaches, sore neck and shoulder muscles, dizzyness, feeling off balance, twitching, eye watering, and feeling cold. These all come and go. My GPs keep saying anxiety. Had 2 Drs check the backs of my eyes and they say its just anxiety.

sherylee xx
28-01-12, 18:42
i get the same hun and much more iv had loads of eye checks even one where they put drops of some fluid (not sure what) in my eyes and it fully dilates your pupils then had a bright light shon in my eyes in a pitch black room and doctor said all looked normal my optiton said the same thing but i just cannot let go of my fears :( xx

28-01-12, 18:48
yeah I had that done as well and they said all healthy. I am the same as you, I keep using google too much.

29-01-12, 23:15
I've been suffering the same erratic mishmash of symptoms you describe since October, and despite being told so several times by drs, I still find it hard to believe it's all in my head. One thing that does help is this forum though. Just reading that other people are going through the same thing is reassuring. I've almost forgotten what it feels like to be normal. :(

sherylee xx
29-01-12, 23:19
same hun and i totally agree with you :( xx

30-01-12, 01:39
Those symptoms sound very similar to my own and my belief that it is neurological as I also keep going to docs, and being told its just anxiety.

Altough originally the symtoms were triggering panic attacks and anxiety

Have been much better in the last few weeks after buying own B vits , as they are natural ones as opposed to the GP prescribed synthetic ones plus more range of B vits in these. also I cut down on caffeine.