View Full Version : why am I losing weight?

28-01-12, 19:23
Earlier this week I was having horrible anxiety and panic attacks. I had convinced myself that I had a brain tumor, but I am pretty sure that my symptoms were just TMJ flaring up because I went to the dentist on Tuesday and it made my jaw hurt a lot. But the anxiety was so bad that I had a panic attack a couple nights ago and another one yesterday. I'm feeling a lot better today, but this morning I weighed myself and I was about 5 pounds lighter than usual. I am not a small person at all and I have been eating better, but I don't feel like I've made enough changes to have lost so much weight. Now I'm worried that the weight loss means there's something wrong with me.

28-01-12, 19:35
Happycarrot, i can sympathize. i have struggled with my weight for about ten years, i am underweight and first sign of anxiety or any other illness and my weight plummets drastically. i have lost almost 8lbs this week alone. i think thats coz i am not eating properly though. struggling to eat means less calories which makes you lose weight. does this sound familiar? xx

28-01-12, 19:48
I'm quite overweight so normally I would be thrilled to lose weight, but now it worries me! I have been feeling nauseous this week (from anxiety I'm sure) and probably haven't been eating well, but it just feels like that's a lot of weight for me to lose in a week.

28-01-12, 20:54
5lb in one week isnt that much really. im 5ft6 and i weighed 8st 8 i am now just above 8st, thats soo underweight for me. if your within your healthy range i wouldnt worry too much as long as you keep your energy levels up. xx

29-01-12, 00:26
I weighed myself again and now I'm right back at my usual weight. Maybe my scale needs new batteries or something? Anyway, I feel pretty stupid for getting all worried over nothing at all.

29-01-12, 01:09
Depends what time of day you weigh yourself. Empty stomach and dehydration can cause quite big swings in weight. For example weigh yourself first thing in the morning and just before you go bed and you will notice a big difference.

29-01-12, 02:45
No kidding :) I weighed myself first thing in the morning, then again in the afternoon. I think I am still just a little nervous after such a rough week!