View Full Version : Chester meet-up 2012

28-01-12, 19:37
Hi all!

I'm planning a meetup in Chester, thinking early March as I'm busy a few weekends in Feb and we need time to sort it out.

There have been a few of us who have met up in Chester before, but obviously having more of us would be great. We're a mix in terms of sex, age and problems, and have all got on well, so nobody need worry about being the only male/female or too young/old.

Anybody interested?

28-01-12, 19:44
Possibly Lizzie. Sounds ideal.


29-01-12, 19:30
Great! Anyone else?

29-01-12, 20:28
Yeah, come along. We'll tell you we're meeting somewhere and then meet elsewhere! Mwah ha ha!

30-01-12, 12:21
I should be fine to come to this meet up to, weekends are great for me xx

30-01-12, 17:50
Yay! Be lovely to see you again Di :) xxx

30-01-12, 22:21
Count me in :D

30-01-12, 22:35
Good old Froggy! Can always rely on you for a meet-up!

31-01-12, 17:35
I'll be there, does me good to spend a few hours with people that understand me. Hope to see you there Di, my agoraphobia is being a pain in the arse as im really wanting to go to Warwick and Norfolk but its just too far at the moment, would really like to chat with you, discuss coping techniques etc.

31-01-12, 21:21
Great Belle! I can't do weekend of 17th/18th, anyone else?

03-02-12, 13:20
"Charity relief work"? More like community service!

04-02-12, 12:56
Obviously I can't answer for how others read the post Paul, but as I know you I didn't think anything of it! For anyone reading - Paul is a great guy, brill sense of humour and comes out with all sorts of hilarious rubbish! He genuinely wouldn't mean to upset anyone so hopefully he hasn't.

I'm up for bowling, and that'd be easy for people parking - better than in town. Froggy, will you be getting a train though?

04-02-12, 14:31
Yes, I'll get a train over. Do we have a firm date in mind yet?

I think the bowling could be fun, but maybe we could think about going somewhere else for a drink afterwards just in case anyone would like some support or just a quiet chat?

Paul :D

04-02-12, 15:10
Would you be able to get from the station to the bowling alley Froggy? Did you get a taxi last time or did someone give you a lift?

Not set a date yet, anyone got any preferences?

11-02-12, 14:57
Okay, let's go for Sunday 25th March. How does 2pm sound for everyone?

We can do a game of bowling, then sit and have a drink and a chat.

11-02-12, 20:54
I can't actually remember who won last time, but it probably wasn't me to be fair!

12-02-12, 19:46
Paul won last time and I was 2nd :D. Could we meet a bit earlier than 2? 12.30??

13-02-12, 17:04
I genuinely couldn't remember! Honest!

The only reason I said later was that for people travelling, it's bang on lunchtime, so was thinking people could eat before as personally I don't fancy burger and chips from the bowling alley!

14-02-12, 18:23
Just had a look on the bowling website, everything there is burgers, hotdogs, fries, etc. Belle asked if there's anywhere else to eat on the retail park but other than McDonald's etc, the only place I can think of is Frankie and Benny's, but I'm aware that having a big sitdown meal in a place like that (which is normally packed) isn't ideal.

What does everyone think?

15-02-12, 16:45
That sounds ok, we could eat and chat and hopfully there will be some newbys that we could try and support and then go for a game of bowling. It wouldn't be too late then for myself and Froggy Paul getting home especially as Froggy gets the train if we could meet up earlier! Sorry Lizzie if im messing up your plans as its you that does all the arranging for us, don't want to be a pain. :blush:

15-02-12, 17:39
Don't worry Belle, it makes a change from Paul being a pain! ;-) Lol! No, no problem at all.

I decided last night that what we'd do is:

Sunday 25th March.

Meet 12.30 at Frankie and Benny's for those that want to come earlier and eat/drink.

Meet 2pm at bowling if not.

I am aware that for some people, a crowded Frankie and Benny's would be too much, so there is no pressure to come earlier. The bowling alley should be quieter, so for those that prefer, just meet us there.

Both places are opposite each other at the Greyhound Retail Park, Sealand Road, in Chester. Please pm me if you need further directions or details.

Look forward to seeing you all there :-)

16-02-12, 07:49
I'm working seven days a week now, but i can fit coming around them times, i should be able to get there about 1pm.

Bowling:unsure: can i have the sides up please........and also the trolley to roll my bowling ball down, not that i'm saying that i am absolutely useless at it :roflmao:

Belle, we'll get you sorted hun, i'm on top form now, school run is now a piece of cake for me and so is going places on my own, so i'll help you out all i can.

Be great to see everyone again.........i've missed me fab buddies

di xxx

16-02-12, 17:13
Seven days a week?! Go you! That's brill, well done. You must be exhausted though, make sure you have time for yourself. So pleased to hear you're doing well, you've worked so hard at it you deserve to be seeing the rewards.

Sides up - go on then, just for you! Obviously I'm so brilliant I don't need them ;-) (Shut up Paul, before you comment).

Should be a really fun afternoon - not seen you for aaaages Di, will be lovely.


16-02-12, 18:58
Glad your doing well Di Im hoping I will get over this hurdle so I can go to places im wanting to visit. Chester and North Wales up to Llandudno Im fine with, Skipton to the north im fine, Chesterfield to the East im fine and Stoke to the south im fine, any further than that i hit a brick wall and its really getting me down. Im desperate to go to warwickshire but say if my car breaks down or I get a puncture or the battery goes on my fone :ohmy::ohmy::ohmy:. Its just not fair. I really love our meetups and with the support from you guys I hope I get to places im wanting to visit. XX

16-02-12, 19:36
Belle - if any of those things happened, you'd deal with it. I've had thoughts like that but have to keep telling myself that the chances of it happening are slim. Get an in-car charger for your mobile, I've got one and it only cost about a fiver. Have you got breakdown insurance? If you needed them and said you're a woman on your own, they normally respond quicker, and would have you on your way soon. Also, if you let people know when you were going and had a network of people you could phone or text, that might help.

We could go somewhere further afield together, that'd do me good too. Let's have a chat at the meetup and sort something. xxx

16-02-12, 22:07
There is NOTHING wrong with going to Tesco in my pjs at 3pm with loo roll stuck to the bottom of my slipper. The pjs were clean that week and I'd even brushed my hair. That took effort.

17-02-12, 18:07
Thanks guys, I am in the AA so I know if I break down or get a flat tyre I can call them and even find a fone box or ask someone if I can use the fone, my problem is being too far from home as I start to panic and if I get the courage to venture further a field then I would worry if I broke down, I get worked up just thinking about it. I use to fly up and down the M5 and M6 to my cousins house about 6 times ayear several years ago cos the thought of panic never entered my head then. I just dont like being far from home even though I know nothing bad will happen to me.:weep:

Anyone who is wanting to join us there is no pressure, for example if you are wanting to have a bite to eat with us and you are wanting to leave halfway through your meal then thats fine just go, or if you want to leave half through the bowling thats fine too just go. We are all sufferers so do what ever is right for you on the day, you could sit and watch the bowling if you want, say nothing at all or even poor your heart out to us. We get ourselfs so worked up and sit and think of every single detail or what might go wrong so if your really really nervous about attending a meetup then why not just turnup and say hello and leave again, at least you would still have acheived something and maybe next time you may feel able to stay a little longer.:)

17-02-12, 18:55
Only one new person coming so far, anyone in the Chester/North Wales/Manchester/Wirral/Liverpool regions, come and join us!

20-02-12, 19:52
Just bumping this up.

Anyone near Chester, come and join us for on Sunday 25th March for lunch and/or bowling.

02-03-12, 11:47
And another bump!

I've noticed a few people saying about Manchester meets - depending on where you are, you may want to join our Chester meetup.

25th March, lunch and/or bowling, or just come along for a drink if you like. We're a mixture of ages, male and female, with a variety of issues.

14-03-12, 18:49
I presume it's still on, I'm going anyway - possibly to an empty place lol!

15-03-12, 17:11
Shhh don't say that, people will actually think we get on!

16-03-12, 17:38
Im still coming, been looking forward to it. Iissssss tthherreeee aannnnyyy bbodddy tthherreee!!!!!!!!! Were you scared :roflmao:

17-03-12, 13:17
Lol Belle!

Well there's 3 of us, think Di and Paul Froggy are still coming, and someone else has messaged me about it too.

Anyone else? Sunday 25th in Chester, lunch then bowling (or just come for one, or just a drink, whatever is fine).

19-03-12, 18:08
Hey Lizzie I think we should let Paul win at bowling again, I don't think I could cope with the embarrassment if he lost and he started to roll around the floor having a trantrum. :D

19-03-12, 19:26
You're right Belle, it was terrible last time when we had to bribe him with an ice-cream and all those people were walking past tutting and shaking their heads. I'll take along some emergency sweets just in case.

19-03-12, 20:22
As if people are going to believe that about Belle and me! We're fine examples of society!

22-03-12, 17:47
Meetup this Sunday in Chester, 12.30 at Frankie and Benny's on the Greyhound Retail Park, followed by bowling. Feel free to come for all or just part, or just a drink!

27-03-12, 01:41
darn, i missed it - never mind I am going to try and get to the next meetup ....sounds like it was good.

27-03-12, 17:35
Glad you enjoyed it Paul, lovely post there :) It was great to see everyone again, and you're right, it was very relaxed and easy. And great to sit in the sun!

Ammiemum - definitely join us, would be good to have more people there. As Paul has said, there's no pressure - come for 10 minutes, come for an hour, whatever you feel like. Also no pressure to talk, just sit and listen if you prefer.

Will make sure you know when I set the date for the next one.

29-03-12, 17:08
Thanks for the company, everyone; I really enjoyed the day. And what lovely weather we had, too.

I vote for the beach next time!

Paul :D

30-03-12, 17:05
Hi guys, beech sounds good to me, how about Rhyl :D its got a beach and also my favourite cafe, Paul you will be impressed.

It just goes to show that even talented, caring , intelligent people like us can suffer with mental illness. It makes us who we are and when we come away from one of our meetups we feel a sense of calmness.

The friends I have met through this forum mean alot to me, god bless you all.

30-03-12, 22:09
Rhyl it is! Shall we go for May, as with Easter being in April people will be busy. How about Sunday 13th May? Will post another thread if that's a good date for people.

31-03-12, 13:24
I haven't spoken to any of you yet but I'm in Liverpool and would love to meet people who 'get it'. Could I come too? :blush:

31-03-12, 15:06
Cometstail - yep, most definitely welcome :) We're a mix of ages, male and female, various forms of anxieties, but all supportive. No pressure to say much about yourself if you'd rather not, feel free to come and sit with us and just listen. Would be lovely to have new people in the group, so definitely join us if you'd like to!

31-03-12, 15:14
I'd really like to come along, sounds great to me!

10-04-12, 22:22
Would I be allowed to 'quickly' crash the meet? :D Travel from Bham, used to go to Rhyl all the time on my way to Uni in Bangor.

Personally, I'd suggest liverpool as a better place mind...!

11-04-12, 18:41
Quickman - course you can! There's another thread I've done about the Rhyl meet, have a look on there. There'll be more posts nearer the time. We tend to vary where we meet so Liverpool could be a future possibility!

15-04-12, 11:43
Hi everyone

I am in Chester and would love to meet up too!! I do have some issues with Agoraphobia, so in a way it would depend where the meet up is...but not impossible.

Who do I need to contact to find out more info :))

Barbs xxx

15-04-12, 21:10
Hi Paul :)

Thanks for responding.

Lizzie did send me a message. You all sound like a great group of people. I actually felt a little better today when I saw that there was a group local to me. I've been feeling quite isolated with Agoraphobia and other issues, it'll be great to meet like minded people and hopefully make some new friends.

I am not sure about Rhyl, only because I don't know if I could logistically get that far at mo. I am leaving it open and may see how I am nearer the time. I will definitely come along to the next meet up in Chester though.

Hope to meet soon :)
Barbs x