View Full Version : What is this?

15-06-06, 16:35
I am trying to figure out what this thing is that I am experiencing. There are so many times during the day when Im in the middle of doing something and all of a sudden my eyes/mind just go into this staring mode....what I mean is that the little black circle in the middle of my eyes expand...everything becomes fuzzy...my mind drops everything it was doing and completely stops funcitoning...even if I hear someone talking to me I may not respond because I am stuck in this staring mode...happened in the supermarket and to be honest with you it happens at work too. Say I am on the tills waiting to serve customers and all of a sudden I start just staring out of my head and I may not even realize I have already customers until they tell me..excuse me are is this till open? And even then I feel like Im on autopilot, because I dont think I am doing the customer service consciously.
Is this DP or DR or something else? Anyone knows how to impove the situation?

" The solution to a problem is right through it..."