View Full Version : Chronic Back Pain

28-01-12, 20:46
Since October I've had a bad pain in my upper left back area. It gets worse in certain positions or if I twist from side to side.. Sometimes it feels like it's also in my left chest area (which scares me since I have heart worries). I've had tons of tests to check for heart issues or lung clot. Now I'm thinking maybe it's bone cancer or something? Doctors say muscular (from being tense/anxious) but how can this pain last for so long and not be something serious? I'm 29 years old but when I wake up in morning I feel more like little old lady :(

I do stretching every morning, but dont find it to be of any help. Anyone else have this problem or have any advice for me? I'm starting physical therapy on Monday so maybe that will help, but I can't stop thinking this is something serious that won't be caught in time since doctors put all my symptoms down to anxiety! Thanks for taking the time to read this.

28-01-12, 21:05
You know, I have the same sort of pain but on both sides. I get a lot of muscle tension in that area, and get knots underneath and around my shoulder blades. Could it be muscle tension for you? It can last a very long time, I have had this issue for about two years now. When it gets bad, it does stretch around to the front on my chest. Physical Therapy may help, so good luck! Also I suggest massage therapy and acupuncture.

29-01-12, 16:52
I have the same trouble. I have had treatment from chiropractor, that was helpful but as it was private i could not keep up. I went to see my GP and I am having physio, and some excercises to do at home. I did ask if I could have acupuncture as I have heard that is very good,but alas no joy there.It might be due to the cost of NHS. I have already paid a lot of money out.

Luvtiteach. I also have the muscular pain that seems to be coming from my heart. It comes and goes. I have had heart surgery 2001 and I think it all links in together,as I have pain in my ribs.
I am going to see my GP tuesday to put my mind at rest. In my own mind I think my problem is muscular. If you have had tests for heart problems and all is ok it could possibly be muscular. Good Luck with your therapy

30-01-12, 20:10
Thanks for the replies.. It's just so odd to me that this pain won't go away!! Anyways I go to physical therapy today so hopefully I'll get some answers or at least techniques to help alievate the pain. :)

30-01-12, 21:25
I've had muscular pain that will not go away, definitely found relief with deep tissue/sports massage though. good luck!

30-01-12, 21:30
Have you tried yoga? I do it twice a week. I've also done pilates. Both of the instructors I've worked with have had back injuries. You would just have to be sure to tell the instructor what sorts of injuries you have to make sure you don't make anything worse.