View Full Version : So....

28-01-12, 21:51
Me and my partner went for sti testing as we have been trying for a baby (only been trying 2 months) but with no such luck. I have never had an sti test but she had one around 2 months into our relationship so I know she did not have anything. Before we got together I was having on and off pain in my left testicle and got told to go to a clinic to get tested. I ignored this as I have always had safe sex before my partner now. Well I'm still waiting for my blood test results (for hiv) which I'm 100 percent will come back clean. The urine test came back normal but the swab test had either clyamidia or an nsu. I'm really worried now that I may not be able to have children. I have always wanted kids but this testicular pain started 10 months ish ago... I'm not panicky about it but I keep getting upset as I have always wanted a family. I don't know which one I have for another week or so. Me and my partner have both been prescribe antibiotics and it will clear the infection up within a week. The only other thing is she's now missed her period by like a week. We have done two pregnancy one before her missed period and one the day after both negative. I'm so confused and upset I may not be able to give her the babys she and I want. Help with some advice please :( x


29-01-12, 01:36
Well as a male I'm not the greatest to give advice about periods but I will share a story about my older cousin. She and her partner, like you and yours were trying for a child for a few months and were beginning to get worried. Suddenly, she missed her period but all the test she took came back negative. She missed her period for 2 months yet the test said she wasn't pregnant. I think she went to the Doctors and they told her she had a infection or something. :huh: She came home from the Doctors and took just one more test and she was pregnant, turns out despite her being 2/3 months pregnant the test couldn't pick it up. As for the Doctor saying an infection, I have no idea if a infection can stop you having a period, cos I'm a guy. :unsure:

29-01-12, 02:06
2 months is no time at all to be trying for a baby. Educate yourself on how hard it actually can be to get pregnant. It's not easy at all. Good luck!

29-01-12, 02:36
O I know that we went to the clinic to be safe to make sure neither of us have anything turns out I did lol...I know two months is nothing :)

29-01-12, 02:52
If you've always had safe sex, then it's really unlikely you have chlamydia. And even if you do, the antibiotics should clear it up. It doesn't sound like you have anything that would hurt your chances of being a dad :) If your partner often has irregular periods, though, she may want to see a doctor in case she's not ovulating regularly. Best of luck to you!

29-01-12, 03:07
Thanks yeah I have always used protection, just scared me when she said 50 percent of the cases in men are claymedia so was a bit worried. The other infection could be from too much sex or cleaning down there too much few other things I cannot remember. My partner was on the depo before but has been off of it for like a year now, her periods were very irregular but the past 3 months they seem to have gone back to normal. She's like 7-9 days late now :/