View Full Version : Hello all, My Problem

29-01-12, 07:15
Hello, This is my first time on this forum ,

my problem is that I suffer from what i would call is like noise anxiety/ Panic. I am married with two kids and live in a nice house in a nice area but my problem is that I am a very quiet person who likes my peace and quiet. I have great neighbours behind my house who are very quiet but the thing that gets me is that they have mentioned that they might move and I get panicky when I am out in the garden in case I here something that I should not such as there children telling mine when they might move. My kids are only 7 and 3 and the same as my neighbours and I try to get them in the house as quick as possible so the Children can not talk and say things about them moving if Thats what they intend doind at all. When I come home from work I try to delay it as long as possible as I might here people in the garden or noise. Like I say The Neighbours are great and they might not move but the problem is i can not shake it off. I often wonder if we got new neighbours would they have noisy kids and have music playing and dogs barking and bbq/partys all the time . I also like to go out of the house a lot on weekends and evenings especially on the nicer days as to not have to listen out for any noise. I know this is very silly and in all I have a great Wife and kids and house but This is a problem I have and Would like any advice Please.

29-01-12, 07:22
Hi Forest

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

29-01-12, 07:32

Like I say any advice would be very good.

29-01-12, 19:18
Any more ideas or views on my problem would be a great help.

29-01-12, 19:46
Hi Forest,

It seems to me that it's not the noise (or potential noise) that's the problem - it's your anxiety about it. Everyone needs to have an environment where they feel comfortable and safe and that's different for everyone, so I understand where you're coming from but you know yourself that you are worrying about this disproportionately.

Have you talked about this with anyone? Not about the neighbours' move but how you feel? It might help you to put things into proportion a little more (much easier said than done, I know). You could mention it to your GP?

Take care


29-01-12, 19:54
Pip, I beleive You are correct that its not the noise but its my anxiety thats the problem. I have spoken to my wife about it and she says that there is nothing to worry about but I cant help the anxiety I get. I have not been to my GP as I had this problem a few years back and was prescribed some tablets which did not really do much good plus I am trying to get over this problem myself.

29-01-12, 20:09

We all come to this site because we suffer in some way from anxiety and you're definitely not alone. I have spent years with general anxiety and, mostly, I have managed it on my own. For me, there have come certain times when I've needed help because it has got so bad that I have had trouble functioning normally. This has happened recently. Not that I'm in any way an expert but I would suggest you talk it through with your GP. Medication is not the only answer (in fact it's not really an answer at all) but it can help by giving you the time and space to sort things out. Your GP should also suggest some form of talking therapy which you may feel would help. If this all sounds a bit too much, keep talking it through with your wife and try to work out why you're so anxious about noise.

You really can get through this. You've got 2 children, you can cope with anything!

Take care


30-01-12, 06:18

Thankyou for your reply,

Does anybody else on this forum suffer from the panic/noise anxiety problem that I am having as I would love to know how you are dealing with this problem. Yes I have been to hypnotherapy before a few years ago but did no good. Also been to doctors before so I would like to know how or if anybody else has had this problem or similar what did you do get over it.

30-01-12, 20:04

I'm sure there are a lot of people on this site who share your anxiety. You could post a new thread with noise anxiety in the title?

Hope you're feeling a bit better.


01-02-12, 16:17
I have posted a thread in general anxiety just hope somebody can give me some advice or if other people have had the same problem.

02-02-12, 22:00
Welcome :) I certainly understand !!! There was once a barking dog near to my home ...its bark was horrible ...It would bark intermittently. And just when I would think it had been taken in by its owners' it would let off another of its yelps. I would brace myself for it barking ...it really frayed my nerves and made me so, so, angry.

I have since found us human beings need about one hours' total silence each day, if, that is, we are not too run down or going through a tough time. Then we need distraction, I suppose. Silence is great once we have come to terms with who and what we are. And so, yes, I do realise just how valuable silence is.


03-02-12, 14:56
Thanks for yor reply swanlinnet,

The problem I have is that what might happen if new people move in. Once again I know its very silly but its hard to shake off and I tend to listen out for noises. I do worry about things and for some reason when you out in general it seems like nobody else has any anxiety/panic or other related problems as they all seem to get on with life.

21-03-12, 16:37
I have finally gave in and have a appointment with the Doctors tomorrow night, Hope to get some form of medication to help me with my problem.

21-03-12, 18:35
Hi Forest,

How are you doing? I'm glad to see you're going to discuss this with your GP - it's a hard step to take but you'll find he/she is really understanding. I find it useful to make a note of the things I want to say because I inevitably forget when I'm in the consulting room as I get really anxious. It's a wonder my blood pressure isn't though the roof when it's checked.

Good luck and let us know how you get on.

Pip x

22-03-12, 19:26

Well been to the Doctors this evening and told him my problem and he was very understanding. I have been Prescribed fluoxetine 20mg one every other day to see how it goes then to see him again in a months time. Hope this helps.

22-03-12, 19:48
A warm welcome Forest,
Do not feel alone in this problem and it is quite realistic to feel anxiety about these issues.
I once lived near noisy neighbours, loud music one side and barking dogs the other side so it was close to being in hell most of the time and at the time I was borderline agoraphopic which trapped me in the noise.
It took two years before it was all resolved but then I moved and now live in a more peaceful place thank goodness.
The secret here is to be mindful of your situation but try to cross your bridges when you reach them and if today is fine and peaceful, don't worry about tomorrow.
If you do happen to get neighbours who make noise so loud that it disturbs you there is help out there, albeit it takes time to resolve.
For now, take each day as it comes and now that you have jioned us here you will have untold help and support from people who care about you.
Love and peace

22-03-12, 20:32
Hi Forest,

Well done for taking the step to talk to your GP and I'm pleased you found him understanding.

It'll be interesting to see how you feel when you're taking the meds. Did your GP explain that you can feel a bit worse to start with before you feel better? It's something to be aware of. After a couple of weeks, you should be feeling much more positive.

Take care

Pip x

22-03-12, 20:55
The doctor did say that I might get a rash or a bit of the shakes but to go back to him if any problems. How long does it usally take to kick in and how/if it does work does it actually help you?

22-03-12, 21:24
Hi there,

Everyone's different but ADs usually take 2-6 weeks to start working. The initial side effects generally wear off after a couple of weeks. You'll probably feel a bit more anxious and a bit headachy and nauseous but you'll get through it. Any problems, give your GP a ring.

When they start to work, you'll find that you become less concerned about the things that were worrying you and your general mood will lift. The most important aspect is to understand that the meds are there to help you see things more clearly which enables you to be more rational about the causes of your anxiety. Some people expect meds to do all the work for them but most of it is down to your determination.

Let us know how you get on

Pip x

22-03-12, 22:06
Thanks for all your replys, will keep you informed on hows it going.


23-03-12, 17:54
Not sure what your history is Forest, but for me silence, peace and quiet are so important if you have suffered from NN.

BTW It's interesting you write it as if it is *you* who is the problem rather than the NN who have not even moved in yet.

24-03-12, 00:41
I live in a small village in Leicestershire and I low the silence of it