View Full Version : After feeling better for ages...I'm back :( Please help

29-01-12, 08:44
Hey everyone,
So after ages of feeling well and no anxiety it's come back..with a vengeance!! I developed a virus about a month ago that only lasted a few days but the cough just won't go away!! Okay so it is a lot better then what it was but today I coughed up (eww sorry) lots of phlegm and i'm really worried. It feels like something is in my throat. Also accompanied with dizziness and really achey limbs. Iv'e had really bad stomach aches too and a feverish feeling. Maybe all this is stress related (other then cough) because I'm being made redundant today? Please help.. going out of my mind. Thank you x

macc noodle
29-01-12, 08:48
Hey Hannah

Don't be too hard on yourself - anxiety does like to pop its head around the door every so often just to make sure we are on our toes!!

But if you have been poorly then your system is low and you are susceptible to lots of aches and pains which, if you suffer from anxiety, you interpret as signs of something really bad when in actual fact it is just part of the virus/bug.

Add to that your stress levels will be high with being made redundant.

Please try not to worry too much just concentrate on building yourself back up after the virus - lots of healthy food and fresh air !!! and see your doc if your phlegm is discoloured you may need an antibiotic to clear any infection.


Macc Noodle