View Full Version : Bothered That Im Bothered

29-01-12, 09:38
I woke up 8am feeling good... so then i lay trying to remember what i dreamt about (as i normally always can recall dreams) but this morning i couldnt remember... so then i start obessing about why i cant remember ... then the dream is no longer the issue, the issue is that im bothered that its bothering me in the first place!!! guess thats what OCD is!
So it all starts me feeling dizzy, so i get up and start cleaning, and am feeling better again now!!
Distraction is key when obessing people!

29-01-12, 10:11
I get that too but obviously the dream was just not worth remembering so you brain has just sent it to the recycle bin! Funnily enough I'm on new medication and it's giving me some very vivid dreams...not all of them pleasant.
As for housework, I woke up an hour ago, went into the kitchen to put the kettle on to find I had not done the washing up from the night before...wish I had dreamt that!

29-01-12, 10:15
I get like that. It's silly really but last night I had a rubbish sleep then this morning I am obsessing that I'm not going to be able to sleep, then I feel dizzy! It's all fun and games isn't it?