View Full Version : paul

29-01-12, 13:34
i went through a nightmare mnth in ipswich am i allowed to put what happened to get it off my chest coz its really not nice to read before i go ahead and do it lol

29-01-12, 13:35
Hi paulypaul40

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

29-01-12, 13:37
am i allowed to share what happened though so people can get the general idea its really not nice though well i dont think

29-01-12, 13:39
Paul - do you want to send it to me via PM first so I can read it and then let you know?

29-01-12, 13:41
i was living in ipswich last mnth and was addicted to weed 21 years ..i had a best friend attempt to burgle me also at that time a good friend 21 died of a fit ...so as ipswich was crap i got out of there and gave up weed instantly and relocated and got the mate out of my life too and quite a few others very negative place i been spolit in my new place by family and am very determined and positive but i am suffering bad headaches all day and bad panic attacks which are horrid about 8-11pm trying to sleep is very freaky to be honest but when i get to sleep i do get some sleep but have vivid nightmares about problems in the past death war and basically not nice stuff i was giving zispin and for two weeks i took them but feel they made the dreams come on ...im hoping so much i can lose these attacks as i got no one i know yet in my new town so i am very alone all day pottering around doing anything i can think of...