View Full Version : *CONVINCED* this is it this time...

29-01-12, 16:01
For weeks i have been struggling with symptoms of MS... Now i am thinking it could possibly be worse, ALS (what Steven Hawkin has).

I am really in a bad bad way.. I am having problems speaking (slurring, forgetting words), talking nasally and i have JUST found out that is a first sign of ALS.

I have turned into Miss Clumbsy, dropping everything i pick up... I am really properly scared. My heart is racing and i am almost verging a panic attack.

I've got to wait until the 21st Feb for a EMG test... so that's 23 days of worrying. I don't think i can do it.

Right now, i am twitching under my chin(?) and my thigh... so frightening i can hardly think.

---------- Post added at 16:01 ---------- Previous post was at 15:16 ----------

Someone please.

29-01-12, 18:14
I find that I get very clumsy when anxious. I drop things all the time. Also the twitching is related to anxiety. I twitch everywhere when I am anxious or if I did not sleep well. Caffeine can make it worse. I really think that what you are experiencing is anxiety-related. I don't really know about speaking nasally, but I would assume that would be something sinus, nasal, or allergy related. I did not even know that was related to MS or ALS. Just gotta keep asking yourself - Would somebody without HA be worried about this?

That is rough that they make you wait so long for the test, but I am sure if there was a huge worry that you were ill they would get you in fast. The waiting is awful. I was worried sick just waiting a day to see my doctor, so I cannot imagine. But try to enjoy each day! I really don't think you have anything serious to be worried about.

29-01-12, 19:47
It's all part of ALS :(

29-01-12, 22:20
I get twitches all over, even when I dont "feel" stressed or anxious. I also have been dropping stuff and knocking my feet on things constantly, I'm beyond clumsy. I also stutter/cant find the right words sometimes.

It's funny how our minds work, because for me I am always worried about my breathing or my throat, so even though I've been dropping things for the past few months, and I have many other symptoms which could be anything, I'm only truly concerned about my throat.

I hope when you find out the results that you don't begin worrying that something else is direly wrong with you, as most of us do who have HA.

Good luck

29-01-12, 22:31
I would keep a written diary of things that happen as well so you can show it to the doc.

I bet you aren't twitching all day for example.

I don't think it is ALS either

30-01-12, 00:32
My tongue is sticking out to the right that would imply that there is somekind of hypoglossal nerve damage - which you get with ALS! I am completely going nutso here...

30-01-12, 00:37
So your tongue is always sticking out to the right? I don't really understand that to be honest lol

30-01-12, 00:58
No, this is new.. I was taking a picture of it because it saw denting on the side and realised that it wouldn't stick out straight, completely to the right.

30-01-12, 01:09

To be honest , and i know its easy for others to say but anxiety can cause all sorts of symtyms , i,ve had loads of them and i could and still can fit symtyms (very very real ones) to a medical condition .

I,m getting there now and i,m on citralapram and i no longer focus on things and they then go away .

I could go into more detail about what i thought i had to match up with the physical symtoms but theres not enough space on the forum :blush:.

I,ve read your signiture and like everyone on here you have had problems which lead us onto here , personally i think you are fine , its just stress anxiety doing its worse .
Try and clear your mind , plenty of exercise and try and get some sleep .

Take care ..



30-01-12, 01:11
ok so when you stick your tongue out it only goes to the right?

If so then go and see doc ok and ask about it

30-01-12, 01:29
Hi Belle

On another post you say you have had MS symtoms for 2 years but have had the all clear


Anxiety (in my limited experience) causes havoc with our minds and body and its so hard to brake away from these thoughts of " i,m seriuosly ill this time" , the symtoms only go when you can get your mind off these thoughts which seems near impossible but with every minute we can free our mind in each hour / or day it gets easier very slowly to distract our minds onto something else then we can recover .

Personally i think its 100 % anxiety after reading your older posts , i don,t want to sound awefull but i think you need tough love (if thats the right wording) .
I,m pleased you are seeing the DR,S for peace of mind , when you get the all clear which you will i hope you can focus on the fact that you are going to be fine and enjoy life again .

31-01-12, 22:03
My tongue is sticking out to the right that would imply that there is somekind of hypoglossal nerve damage - which you get with ALS! I am completely going nutso here...

Pardon my language, but holy ****, stop googling.

Hypoglossal nerve damage? Are you serious? You've clearly read up on every symptom of ALS.

My friend's mom has ALS. That as an ALS symptom would mean you were in the end stages (no longer able to speak, swallow, and so on).

Whatever is going on with your tongue is not ALS.

31-01-12, 23:58
I'm not a doctor so I can't say if you have MS or not.
But nearly ALL MS symptoms overlap with anxiety symptoms , so you can't judge by symptoms alone .
I know how it's scary when you feel you may have something yet no one takes you seriously .
Just wanted to say I wish you best of luck with what ever tests you're having x x

blue moon
01-02-12, 04:14
Hi Belle.
I agree with lilboops the googling only create more anxiety and stress,which cause lot of symptoms you mention......I not be funny but my tongue stick up,only when poke it at people.I hope your tests are all Ok.
Petra x:flowers:

01-02-12, 14:51
I have to say that your typing skills still seem to be on top form so put me down for a vote against ALS. :)