View Full Version : Is the answer to just stop checking?

29-01-12, 15:30
I can't stop checking my mouth. Every time I have a good look around it I find something and then that's it, I am sat in front of a mirror every time I am in the house. Have just been checking now and there is a mark on the side of my tongue, so that's it now, I cant stop looking at it and am panicking more and more.

I am driving myself mad. Why do I do this? I know what will happen each time I start checking my mouth, so why do I do it?

29-01-12, 15:32
I know, I do the same thing. I can't stop checking myself. Right now it's a lymph node, that my doctor already told me was benign and that it was up so big because I keep poking it. My Rx is to stop touching it, but I can't!! I want to keep checking to see if it is smaller and that it is working.

I am trying so hard to think of situations like this: Would somebody without HA notice this or care? But it is so hard to actually do.

29-01-12, 15:38
This now dictates how I live my life. I get up in the morning, I check my mouth, if I think it's ok then I can have an almost worry free day, if I check it and find something then thats it, I am in a horribble state of anxiety all day, cant eat, cant,function, cant go out

Do I just try and stop checking?

29-01-12, 15:49
I check my mouth every day, I got into the habit when I had to get a tooth out and I kept checking the gum to make sure it had healed properly! Then I was checking a couple of weeks ago and found a tonsil stone, which freaked me out but it's harmless and gone now. I have also gotten into the habit of taking a couple of minutes at work to run to the toilet and put torch to my skin several times a day to keep watching for anything that may develop. It's really a difficult thing to live with, I never used to be like this!!

macc noodle
29-01-12, 16:06
Try and limit the number of checks you are doing for a start.

I have just posted something similar on another thread - allow yourself a morning and evening check and nothing more and then after a few days reduce it further to once a day and see how you go.

It is hard to begin with but in the end you can retrain yourself to stop the constant checking.

good luck

hard to live with
29-01-12, 16:15
hi i have just joined i have the same problem with checking but i tend to check my breasts, neck and moles. i had this problem years ago and was sucessfully treated with seroxat but it has returned with a passion again can not even manage work

29-01-12, 19:27
I know I have to try and limit the checking. I just find it very hard once I have spotted something. Every time I know there is a mirror nearby I have to go and check myself in it

hard to live with
29-01-12, 20:17
do you check and tell yourself i am fine then two minutes later what if i missed something i feel like i am going mad and the only person with this problem

29-01-12, 20:21
That is exactly what I do. And then I have to go and check myself again

29-01-12, 23:04
One thing that I do and have been told to do is delay the checking etc and let it pass naturally, it's there whether we check it or not so we migh as well not check it?! Easier said than done!

30-01-12, 00:37
I agree with the post above mine...

I also get into periods of time where I check my mouth. Some days I'm checking my breathing constantly. The other people who have posted on here said some good advice - especially about limiting the number of times you check.

Also, I know this is almost impossible, but try to tell yourself you wont worry about it for like, 5 minutes. then for those 5 minutes try as hard as you can to just "not care" what happens in your mouth, and do something totally unrelated. Our mouths change, and i know from experience it takes quite a lot of change to actually be a serious problem. Good luck