View Full Version : Fibroids and bloating

29-01-12, 16:31
Hello :smile: I have a long history of uterine fibroids since I was 27. I'm now 42. When I was pregnant in 2002, one of the fibroids grew to 16cm in diameter, then died off, it's called 'red degeneration', half way through my pregnancy, and started shrinking. (The smaller ones died off too, and they vanished). Today the previously massive one is just a hard, benign, lump less than 4cm in diameter. At my last full gynae ultrasound scan (June 2011) they confirmed this, but said that there was a new fibroid also 4cm across and lots of smaller new ones too. Both of these 4cm fibroids sit on the top of the uterus (the fundus), and the small ones are dotted around. They are all 'intramural' - the more common type.

What is currently bothering me is that I seem to have a lot of trapped gas (a lot more than normal) and abdominal firm lumpiness, really only in the mornings before I have a wee. While still lying in bed, I can feel what feels like lumpiness between my navel and half way down to my public line. I'm fairly slim so easy to palpate. The shape of this lumpiness varies from morning to morning. After a wee it all sort of subsides, although still a tiny bit lumpy to the right (which is where the new growing fibroid is). I usually have a BM in the morning, and the gas issue isn't quite so annoying after that. I am suspecting that perhaps the fibroid has put on a growth spurt and is pushing things around (but I'm definitely NOT pregnant this time!). Will see the GP if the gas issue doesn't go before long. I'm trying all the usual otc remedies.

I do have IBS. Had it on and off for the past 20 years (after a really bad bout of food poisoning) which doesn't help the gas issue. But could fibroids along with a full bladder push up the intestines and be causing this lumpy (and at times feels like gas is passing through it) area almost up to the navel??

I am trying to apply some logic here, and not let my health anxiety spiral out of control :huh:. Logic is telling me it's down to the fibroids. Anxiety is worrying me it's a bowel thing. I did see the GP last June (2011), she palpated my abdomen (wasn't lumpy at the time...) and she didn't seem too concerned, said it was fibroids (then sent me for the ultrasound). But the lumpiness seems more pronounced now. The gas is too - oh happy days.

Does anyone else get this???

Sorry to waffle on,
Many, many thanks, NattyOne.

29-01-12, 18:16
Has your gynaecologist suggested removal of the fibroids? I expect that you have had a discussion with him/her about further treatment depending on whether you have completed your family or not? I know that there are drugs which could shrink them before any surgery and there are options that are not a full hysterectomy such as endometrial ablation? It probably depends on how troublesome they are for you? EJ

30-01-12, 09:28
Thanks for your reply. I haven't seen the gynae in a long while. I saw so much of them before my pregnancy and a good few years after that - I got truly fed up with it all. They were not keen on touching the fibroids at all. My GP is keeping an eye on me with the u/scans through the hospital and says if it gets too much I can be referred again if I want. What I find annoying is that when I had the massive fibroids I didn't get all this bloating. But these smaller ones (less than 6cm) seem to cause ALOT more hassle. Or maybe they are just located in a different place down there, and pushing things around a bit.

Any more experiences??
Many thanks, NattyOne.