View Full Version : Explosive Anger Episodes

29-01-12, 18:48
Does anyone have this? There are times when I just think there are too many worries and general stuff in my head, and then something happens to trigger a major explosion of anger.

For example, I've been thinking about my job, and whether I should be doing more exams to improve my job prospects. One day I'm driving and not paying 100% attention. I cut this guy up at a junction. He gives me a piece of his mind. I get so angry I spin my wheels, smoking tyres. Swear at him. This continues at several traffic lights down the road.

There's been other times where I got out of my car to swear at someone sound their horn when I taken too long to turn right at a junction. I hada visit from the police on that occasion. Other times I've speed right up behind someone after the used their horn. This was after I had met someone from school at the shops and they were telling me how they's been to America and worked in films etc. That really made me feel bad.

This is n't good. I could up causing an accident, in court, stabbed. Does anyone have any strategies?


29-01-12, 19:05
Hi ,This as you say isnt good ..But you realise this and that s a big step .Controlling Anger is a hard thing to do when its severe like this ,and takes a lot of self control .From what youve said it seems a lot of it is brought on by your Stress Levels and how you feel about your life / your self .An Anger Management course is really something you would Benefit from .Speak to your Gp and tell him /her how this is affecting you .You can be referred to a local group ,where you will also meet others with the same issues .It will be more beneficial to you long term ,than coping skills and nothing else .It would also be a good idea to learn how to manage your Stress levels and self esteem issues .There are some excellent books you can get from Amazon on these .In the meantime ,just practice some counting and deep breathing skills ,when you feel yourself getting angry at people .Life as they say ,Is MORE how you REACT TO IT ..gd luck ..Sue x

29-01-12, 19:07
I get what I call "silent road rage" where I curse like crazy and have violent thoughts towards drivers who cut me up(!) or honk their horn at me. I have been guilty in the past in blasting my horn because I feel I should let them know how angry I am. But ultimately it is pointless and may even even get you into further trouble. You have to just bite your lip, seethe quietly to yourself and wait for the moment to pass.