View Full Version : Dont want to google but...

29-01-12, 20:13
I need help from you good people.

I have frequent urination with a feeling of never being relieved. Pelvic pain, what feels like stomach cramps and slight constipation.

Once again I'm panicking especially when in that region. Ovarian or cervical cancer springs to mind, though I am on the pill too.

---------- Post added at 20:13 ---------- Previous post was at 20:10 ----------

Oh and gas/belching too quite abit.

29-01-12, 20:14
Maybe a urine infection? I'd go to the doctors and ask them to test a sample and tell them your symptoms. Don't worry though in the meantime doesnt sound sinister :)

29-01-12, 20:35
I've had my urine tested so many times in the past but nothing has ever become of it! I'm also scared of having a "scrape" or "swab" taken...which may sound silly but as I'm 22 I haven't had a smear yet and I hate the idea.

Maybe a urine infection? I'd go to the doctors and ask them to test a sample and tell them your symptoms. Don't worry though in the meantime doesnt sound sinister :)

29-01-12, 20:44
Sounds bladder related Girlafraid I highly doubt it's cancer. Best thing to do is go to the GP and mention what you've said here, might be something simple to sort out and save you discomfort in the long run :)

29-01-12, 20:55
I can't get the thought that its cancer out of my mind...my doctor is awful to get an appointment with, now they vet you over the phone to see if you're ill enough to be seen. You also have to ring up on the day at 8am if you want an appointment so its quite hard to get time off that way.

Sounds bladder related Girlafraid I highly doubt it's cancer. Best thing to do is go to the GP and mention what you've said here, might be something simple to sort out and save you discomfort in the long run :)

macc noodle
29-01-12, 21:05
Well if you dont see the doc, then you will not get a diagnosis. And you will continue to make yourself ill with worry.

I too have HA and over worry about every little sensation and twinge in my body and I hate it !

Have learned the hard way that it is best to get things checked out and to save yourself months of worrying!!!

I am sure that you have something simple to put right.


Macc Noodle.

29-01-12, 21:12
Does anyone think its anything to do with my constipation?

I don't mind going to the docs but I'm genuinely scared of a smear/swab.

Oh and I'm worried cos I'm getting this every few months without fail normally at end of my pill packet, 3 or 4 days before my withdrawal bleed.

Well if you dont see the doc, then you will not get a diagnosis. And you will continue to make yourself ill with worry.

I too have HA and over worry about every little sensation and twinge in my body and I hate it !

Have learned the hard way that it is best to get things checked out and to save yourself months of worrying!!!

I am sure that you have something simple to put right.


Macc Noodle.

29-01-12, 21:48
I first thought cystitis , but you say youve had urine checks....would definately go to GP or Nurse/ I know your only 22 but you should request a smear test, you need to be sure everything is OK. Its a nurse that does the smear, and altho a bit uncomfortable, its not painful, takes few seconds to do...
Theres no point avoiding going to see doc, youll only carry on worrying, and you cant go on like you are, in pain etc..

29-01-12, 22:00
What do you think it is? :(
I'm very very scared about a smear I know it sounds silly.

29-01-12, 22:06
What is it that bothers you about the smear?

29-01-12, 22:09
The pain as I've heard it hurts.

Somebody being round my intimate parts.

And the results of what they will find of course.

29-01-12, 22:11
It could be linked to your pill and your period, you say it happens just before you are due on... most people suffer period pain, i know i do...
Personnal question, do you bleed after sex? I ask, because thats a sign you need to look out for that somethings not right... As you know smear will test for any changes in your cervex cells..
You need to see GP, it could be so many things, and not necessarily anything serious.. i know i would want to know whats causing the symptons....
The smear doesnt really hurt, and you cant avoid it forever!! there WILL be a time when you have to start having them... you say your scared of what they may find, but if something is wrong you need to know now surely???

29-01-12, 22:17
The pain as I've heard it hurts.

Somebody being round my intimate parts.

And the results of what they will find of course.

Ok well it doesnt hurt, just feels a bit odd. If you do deep breathing exercises during it then that dramatically lessens the uncomfortable feelings.

About the intimate parts - I can tell you now the nurse will not make you feel embarrassed in any way. They really dont think anything of it, and think of how many different and varied parts they've seen! They are so matter of fact that you will be too when it comes to it - but I do relate, and yes its a bit embarrassing at first.

The results: well statistically there will be nothing seriously wrong with you so you have that on your side. And if it is something that can be treated then you can just get it over and done with and stop the worrying.

Try and take someone you trust with you, the moral support will be so beneficial. They can hold your hand and tell you things will be alright...i'm speaking from experience as I've been in your position and had the same fears.

29-01-12, 22:24
It is linked to my pill, it must be as its always just before a withdrawal bleed. And its every other month usually.
I don't bleed after sex but do get abit of pain sometimes.

It could be linked to y our pill and your period, you say it happens just before you are due on... most people suffer period pain, i know i do...
Personnal question, do you bleed after sex? I ask, because thats a sign you need to look out for that somethings not right... As you know smear will test for any changes in your cervex cells..
You need to see GP, it could be so many things, and not necessarily anything serious.. i know i would want to know whats causing the symptons....
The smear doesnt really hurt, and you cant avoid it forever!! there WILL be a time when you have to start having them... you say your scared of what they may find, but if something is wrong you need to know now surely???

29-01-12, 22:31
Its good your not bleeding after sex...
and it could be linked to the pill your are on... why not call NHS direct helpline for a chat, im sure they can advise better than us... ease your mind straight away by doing that... and they will say if they feel you need to visit GP...

29-01-12, 22:54
I might try to get a docs appointment on thursday, one of my only days off, although could do it after work on wednesday, not sure yet.

I have a type of thrush symptom too, bit of discharge (tmi soz!) and slightly itchy down below.
No bleeding after sex but I do have this thing where I go to the loo to wee after sex as I always need to go and nothing comes out, I have to wait about 10 mins and then go again before it comes out. Very odd and I really need to go too.

I'm going to change my pill if this keeps on as its not healthy. I've been on this pill for two years almost now though. And its really cleared my skin up

29-01-12, 23:02
Hey just fyi I was TERRIFIED of my first smear, and it's not bad at all. A little uncomfortable at the most, but it only lasts a few seconds and then it's over. Getting a shot is worse.

30-01-12, 01:41
GirlAfraid I had the same symptoms (even down to the whole tmi part about discharge, and having to pee after sex but nothing coming right away). I'd say get a smear as well, you'll feel much relieved after. I know everyones different, but I also had a smear (im 24) and it came back fine.

I was told I had overactive bladder, that it wasnt anything serious, and given pills for it. That was 2 years ago, I never took them, I just learned to deal with having to pee all the time! It sucks, but I just wanted to let you know theres someone else out there who's been having most, if not all, of your same symptoms for the past 4 years. :)