View Full Version : My driving trip to Wales

15-06-06, 20:27
This is a repeat of my post under my Therapy post but I think it deserves to be here too to encourage you all...

Well I am back and it is all good news and I am very proud of myself.

Sorry for the long read as usual …

Well I set off on Wednesday at 11am and decided to go cross country for the first part and join the M4 at junction 13. This was because there were hold-ups on the M1 and M25 and the drive is boring enough without sitting in that for hours!

I knew that not long after I joined the M4 there were roadwork’s and of course these were on my mind during the first part of the drive. Again it was the anticipatory anxiety that kicks in and the “what if’s” and “not knowing what I would meet” kind of thing. I had no idea what they would be – contra flow, steel barriers, cones, how long for etc etc.

Of course I was winding myself up about it (like we do) and was getting really bad swallowing problems (which I have anyway) and all those thoughts going through my head.

The roadworks are on and off between junction 13 and 19 so quite a long way. The first set I hit not long after getting on the M4 and they were fine – the hard-shoulder and lane 1 were coned off but that was all. I now see this as safe for some reason. I can cope with coned off areas. This is a huge improvement on 6 months ago when this would have freaked me out completely.

The rest were the same – just lanes coned off and no steel barriers or contra-flows and I was fine. Still a huge achievement as I am learning to cope with them and not let them freak me out like they used to.

Then it was the bridge. As you drive down the M4 you can see the other bridge over to the right and that looks imposing enough and then you drive up and see this huge steel construction in front of you and there is no way off but to go over it.

I was determined to do it this time so I was doing lots of self talk saying silly things like “you are not going to beat me this time you stupid bridge” and “I can do this and it is just a bridge” etc etc, It seems to work well for me anyway!

Then I was on it and I was fine. The bit that freaks me is the middle bit where the large support structures are as they seem so imposing but I kept saying that I was Ok and I was and although I was a bit anxious it was nothing like before and hardly any anxiety atall. Yippee!!

Got over it fine then knew it was another stretch of road I had been unable to do before with any success as it was 6 miles of intermittent hard shoulder and then the tunnel! Did that fine – never gave it a second thought and although the tunnel is a little scary I drove through it fine! Fab!

Took me just over 4 hours to get there but arrived in once piece and happy (though tired).

It was weird but after I did the bridge I found myself welling up with tears and I know they were tears of relief and that kind of “yes I can do this and yes I am getting better” feeling. I was so proud of what I had done and how well I coped. It was a huge step forward for me as that bridge had always been one of those things that I never get to practise at very often (last time was Feb 2005).

Today – well left at 1pm and got home at 5.15 so another long drive. The bridge was ok – I still don’t like it but I can cope with that. I don’t need to like it – I need to cope and I did that. Roadwork’s were fine too and I took a detour across country again and had no idea what roads I would be on.

The A34 used to scare me stupid as it is 30+ miles of dual carriageway and no hard shoulder and again I coped fantastically and no panic atall.

I am tired now and my eyes hurt but I am also so proud of what I have achieved and how far I have progressed with the driving.

At the end of the day you have to believe in yourself, keep on doing it over and over and believe that you can and you won’t have any panic/anxiety. If you do then that is fine too – just learn to cope with it and learn it can’t hurt you!

Thanks if you got this far.



15-06-06, 20:41
Nicola thats absolutley amazing!

Well done!! :D i am hoping in the near future i will be writing such a positive post, i like what you said at the end of the post"you have to believe in yourself!", it just shows how you can conquer your fears if you believe in yourself.

Thats fantasic news !!



15-06-06, 20:49
Well done Nic. I knew you could do it and it is great to read that you coped brilliantly and also were able to put all the recent CBT theory into practice.

I am so proud of the way you coped with one of your past 'demons' :D.

Karen xx

15-06-06, 21:21
Hiya Nic,

That is absolutly FANTASTIC!

Its brilliant to follow your CBT diary and then actually see how well you are doing - you're a star!

Well done :D:D

Tatty B xx

15-06-06, 22:11
wow,i've ben waiting to hear how you did!You must feel elated!What a journey,in every sense of the word.You are a real inspiraton nicola.Well done.love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

15-06-06, 22:22
Hey well done you - its amazing what you can do if you BELIEVE in yourself - well done

15-06-06, 22:53
Hey Nic, really really well done :D

That bridge is a little daunting and those newport tunnels, so really great to hear you done it and survived :D

Well done again xxTara xx

16-06-06, 07:47
Big Well Done, NIc! :D:D:D

Love Kate xxx

"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"

16-06-06, 17:05
Brilliant news Nicola, well done
Love Helen

16-06-06, 17:25
Well done Nicola! What an inspiring story for us all.

Love India xx:D

16-06-06, 20:03
Oh thanks guys - I am touched by all the kind words and comments.:)

You are all a great support to me and it is lovely to get the pat on the back that I needed.

Many thanks to you all:D


16-06-06, 23:05
well done nicola you really are beating this driving problem you keep at it and let us know on all ur sucsess take care luv moo and baby mooxXx

17-06-06, 09:41

you star

The bridge was ok – I still don’t like it but I can cope with that

how cool is that!! Listen to yourself!! - you just sound like you are nailing it!

good for you!


"do not fear to hope...Each time we smell the autumn's dying scent, we know that primrose time will come again"

"Like water be gentle and strong. Be gentle enough to follow the natural paths of the earth, and strong enough to rise up and reshape the world"

17-06-06, 14:31
What terrific progress Nic.

You did it all superbly.

Many congratulations.


17-06-06, 17:24
Moo, Lisa and Meg

Many thanks for the posts and support. I am now looking forward to my week away and chilling!


19-06-06, 10:47
hey nicola-
well done hun!!!
so where did u go in wales!! lol
u could have paid me a visit while u was here!! lol
well done hun!!

19-06-06, 13:58
Hi mate, sorry late to reply, how fantastic to read your succes story!!! Good for you and thank you so much for sharing it with us, you inspire many of us here. Take care and enjoy your break. xxxjean

19-06-06, 14:10
well done on this nic it is so fab to hear hope i hear more of your sucess storys as it does help to know we can all do it...

all the best emily xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx