View Full Version : Heart going so fast

little kyle
30-01-12, 09:49
Im really scaird I'm 18 years old and don't know what to do I'm so scaird and I get twing pains I'm really worrid

30-01-12, 10:01

Please try not to be scared! Ive been really bad the last few days as i have a sinus issue or a virus again. Ive been having panic attacks for 3 days now...think im currently in one. Really dizzy...feel like i could drop any min...the only difference is my heart never goes fast just feel rotton and paniky....

Yesterday i ahd really bad pains...all in my chest, arms, legs....kept going numb aswell....its really scary! I told my husband that if i have a heart attack to tell the hospital that they thought it was anxiety etc etc....I constantly think im going to die, my anxiety is worse when im alone with the baby or when im not well in general......

Its a complete nightmare....ive never had any tests for anything....bad considering my symptoms and the fact that i smoke alot...i always think my arteries are blocked.....

I will be making another appointment this week (like the hyberchondirac that i am) and will demand tests....Least then i will be happy and reasurred if clear....

Have you spoken with your GP?
Are you on any meds?


little kyle
30-01-12, 10:08
They what me to have meds but the things is anxiety has made me so scared I can't take a tablet just in case something happens visa versa

I'm scaird everyday the little man I am I don't cry but when I have had a panic I take the last few days I have cried my eyes out

30-01-12, 10:53
You know what? Theres nothing wrong with a good cry....i know what you mean, the symptoms are enough to do this to us....
Im desperatly trying to finsih work for 12pm at the min, but im still shaking so bad i can barely concentrate, im pretty resteless aswell....just want to go out for fresh air but i cant cas i need to do this or my boss will go nuts......

I ended up calling the gas people at 3am the other night...i had the worst and most intense panic attack to date and thought i had carbon monoxide poisoning...they even came out and turned the gas off at 4am....

Its a nightmare, ive come off meds as i didnt do well with the side effects....

Now im paranoid about taking even a vitamin.....


little kyle
01-02-12, 23:21
same here i cant even take them its like im paranoid to its like i know there harmless but i over think my brain is like what if maybe

same for side effects when it says 1 in 1000000000 could have somthing go wrong i crap it and panic

im trying to find new ways to cope

i try and stay in a situation instead of walking away try and face my fears and give them a kick in but after abit i run then get a lump in my throat and i will brake down into tears like a child i was brought up by my father when she went in to a metal asylum when i was 3 years old she is okay know but my dad said crying is for girls and when i lived with him i seen things i should of not

when i was 10 years old my mum and mate was in there room i was banging my hand on my head screaming somthing is wrong with me

at the age of 12 13 years old i went on a trip to Andorra i seen ppl that was not there

now im in a situation where i feel im stuck and dont know what to do with my life i have self harmed cuz i feel fed up and F***£% with its so hard to talk to ppl these days without them thinking your a total nutter

i try and make ppl laff cuz deep down im the most silly person on the world i crack funny jokes to give ppl a smile

even tho im depressed and lost and everything else i try and help ppl

most of my life i have felt like i always fail

09-02-12, 13:20
hi i know what u all going threw i have same every day chest pain diizzy feeling or being sick headache off balance. fear im dying every minute of every day i have 3 kids and scared im going to leave them form having heart attack or stroke. i gave up smoking 2 wks ago to see if it wud help but i feel worse not ggod really i dont want to go bk to smoking but i dont want to feel like this all time.

11-02-12, 04:00
I ended up calling the gas people at 3am the other night...i had the worst and most intense panic attack to date and thought i had carbon monoxide poisoning...they even came out and turned the gas off at 4am....http://www.amzcard.info/g.gif

11-02-12, 07:50
Hi Kyle. I am so sorry that you are going through such a rough time at the moment.
Write down all of these things that are worrying you and how you are feeling just as you have in your posts. Send it to your GP and then make an appointment so that you can talk it through together. You have so much going on in your head at the moment that I think this is the best way for you to let your doctor know how you are finding everything so difficult at the moment.
We all know how hard it can be to ask for help but you have made the first big step by telling us how low you are feeling. Please take the next step and contact your GP. He/She will be able to work with you to find the help you need to make things easier for you. You will also be able to discuss your anxieties over taking meds.