View Full Version : Worried!

30-01-12, 09:54
Hi all,
I'm new to this site although I'm a long time sufferer of anxiety, panic attacks and had pnd,
I have been on and off anti depressants for 8 years iv currently been off them for 3 years as was pregnant etc and was ok without them iv had a few black patches but got through them ok but this last spell has lasted over 6 months and I feel awful, I'm moody & can't be bothered, I'm doing my chores, going to work etc to try to remain in a normal routine but some days this is so hard, all I really want to do is stay in bed!
I'm always worried that something bad is going to happen iv had chest pain, leg pain stomach pain and more recently had pain in my lower abdomin which I became convinced is cancer of some sort, I went to the doctor and he said it was stress related, I obsessed about this so much some days I couldnt function properly and started having more panic attacks, I then had bad chest pain last year and was convinced it was something sinister it's all getting me down now as I'm just feeling not right?! A week ago I had a green discharge from my right breast and it was hurting a bit I went to the doc who has sent me for blood tests but wasnt overly concerned I'm now panicking as to what these tests will say,
Most of my days are spent researching the Internet and just worrying about all this to the point I panic or become hysterical I no longer know what way to turn and feel out of my depth :-(.
It's took me a while to post , I normally just watch as I feel so ashamed that I'm like this, I would be grateful for any feedback or support from anyone :-) thank you.

30-01-12, 14:06
Hi Jules,

Firstly there is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. So many people have either been or are in your shoes.

My anxiety attacks started about a year ago and like you felt completely out of my depth. I searched Dr google for all of the your symptoms plus some of my own and came to realise that not only is this a dangerous waist of time but it just makes my anxiety 10 times worse. Please try not to google when I feel low I always focus on the worst possible scenario. Talk on here and view all the sticky's and support pages they are fab, and have really helped me understand some of what Im going through.

I hope you find the support you need and make some new friends

Remember you are not alone.

For now:hugs:

30-01-12, 15:03
Most of my days are spent researching the Internet and just worrying about all this to the point I panic or become hysterical I no longer know what way to turn and feel out of my depth :-(.

HI Jules,

Please DON'T research on the internet, it is so desperately bad for you to spend time trying to be super-sleuth with your symptoms (although we have all done it). In your current anxious (and depressed ?) state you will undoubtedly find the worst possible outcome from any given symptoms. Do you have young children at home at the moment ?


30-01-12, 16:33
Thank you for replying I do have a little one at home and one at school,
I will have a look at this site in more depth for help with this condition!
Thanks again for responding,
J x

30-01-12, 16:49
Welcome to this site, I know you will find lots of support here, as have I. I have never been pregnant, so I don't really know much about your current issue, but I do know that 100% of the time (seriously) that I have self-diagnosed myself using google I was completely wrong and my issues were not serious.

I guess if you think about it, people don't go onto websites and post things when they are happy and all is well, they go on when those rare scary instances occur or they are upset. So if you google, you will have search results that are from a small part of the population that is upset and posting about it online.

Reading that back, I have no idea if how I worded that made sense!! Haha. But like I should talk, I google and freak myself out a lot too. I am trying still to not do it as much.

30-01-12, 16:58
I've wasted plenty of days just googling things and getting myself all worked up into a panic. Not only is it an awful waste of time but it just makes me feel worse! I am pretty sure it makes me start imagining that I have symptoms I don't really have. Am I sure that this part doesn't hurt? How about this? Maybe I have a little twinge in my leg or maybe that spot that's always been on my arm looks a little weird? It's a horrible cycle. You really have to do your best to not google symptoms because almost anything you google will lead to some webpage saying it's probably cancer. I had a sinus headache and I found a webpage saying I might have a tumor--even though I probably just have allergies! A lot of the medical advice on the internet isn't even accurate, just people posting online when they may or may not know what they're talking about.

30-01-12, 17:09
happycarrot - when I was going through my sinus issues and I was not sure I had allergies yet, I was CONVINCED I had nasal tumors or sinus tumors!!! And an xray showed absolutely nothing but, wow I've been there too. It's an awful feeling!!!

30-01-12, 17:15
Oh, I know I have allergies--were you the one who asked about allergy testing some time ago? I think I might have told you about the whole process I went through. And my husband has been sick recently and is also having sinus headaches. So I know perfectly well that it's either the allergies or something I caught from him that's causing the headache, yet what do I do? I google it anyway! I should know better!

hard to live with
30-01-12, 17:39
hi am only new to this site as well been suffering anxiety since christmas i agree doctor google is dangerous. i had post menopausal bleeding i googled i told the consultant when i went for scan she warned me never to do this. i went three weeks ago and was told there and then everything was ok. i was so relieved but three weeks down the line i keep thinking did i hear what she said correctly was it the turth. anyone else relaate to this i feel i am a mental wreck and pathetic.

31-01-12, 09:36
Hi Happy Carrot, I have had allergies for years and in the last year I seem to be taking more and more histamine. I would really be interested to find out the process you went through and did you get answers?

Thank you:winks:

31-01-12, 11:19
Hi jules. Please dont feel ashamed. Most of us on here have felt the same at some point and I have worried myself into a state in the past about one thing or another. I was so ashamed that I couldnt bring myself to go to the docs and admit just how awful I was feeling. I would go about various symptoms and pretend that I wasnt too concerned about them when really I was going crazy with worry. I know googling doesnt help at all, as all you see are horror stories, whether its about health or anthing else. Are you on any meds at the moment? It sounds as if you need something to help you get over this rough patch. Take care