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View Full Version : Endoscopy tomorrow terrified

30-01-12, 10:35
I am new to this forum. I have always suffered from extreme anxiety about my health. I have to have an endoscopy tomorrow for stomach problems and although the doctor has said it's probably not cancer, I can't stop thinking that it must be. I have had breast cancer 10 yrs ago so think this might have something to do with the anxiety. It's horrible, I have never felt so anxious in my life. This has been building up for several months now. I wanto to have the endoscopy but just need to cope with the anxiety until tomorrow. Can anyone help please.

30-01-12, 10:52
Hi and :welcome: to nmp, sorry you are feeling so bad at the moment, but it is surprising what we can cope with when we have too.

Have you told your gp about your concerns, and do you take anything for your anxiety?

take a family member or a friend for support tomorrow it will be over before you know it, good luck x

30-01-12, 13:58
Hi and welcome to nmp! I hav had an edoscopy and worried about it, its really not as bad as people make it out to be and is a really safe procedure. They can tell you there and then if something is wrong mine was down to gerd. I had both the spray and anestetic or however its spelt. It just feels very weird and awkward but its only like 3 minutes long so its over in no time. :) hope it all goes well and good luck!

30-01-12, 14:36
Thank you for your encouraging words. It really does help to hear from people who have had the procedure done. I am feeling a little calmer now, have been out on a really long walk which helped. I just think now I want to get it over with whatever the outcome.
Thank you again and take care

30-01-12, 15:44
Hi, I too have a endoscopy tomorrow and dreading it mines at 8:30am so should have all day to recover

30-01-12, 16:59
Hi Xtremx
Sorry to hear that you are going through this as well. It's good that yours in first thing, at least it will be soon over. Mine is at 3.20pm, so all day to worry! I don't know which is worse. I don't know about you but even though I have been reassured by people who have been through it it's still very frightening. Are you planning on having sedation or not?

30-01-12, 17:11
Hi Xtremx
Sorry to hear that you are going through this as well. It's good that yours in first thing, at least it will be soon over. Mine is at 3.20pm, so all day to worry! I don't know which is worse. I don't know about you but even though I have been reassured by people who have been through it it's still very frightening. Are you planning on having sedation or not?

Hi, I am planning on just the spray as dont fancy the sedation. You read on the net people for and against sedation.

Hopefully I make the right choice, which are you planning.

Goodluck for tomorrow, Hopeully we can compare later.

30-01-12, 17:43
Yes, I think I will go for the spray. I though I would want the sedation but now not sure. Will probably make the decision at the last minute. Good luck to you too, yes, let's compare later when it's all over. Will think about you in the morning.

30-01-12, 18:58
I have had three endoscopies and have to say maximum sedation for me as you know nothing about it at all which is great. My friend tried it without and she said it was worse than childbirth!! If you become too distraught during the proceedure while they are trying to get the camera down without sedation they can still sedate you anyway.

31-01-12, 10:32
Chrystabel, Goodluck for later had mine done and home no sedation just the spray but the surgeon done mine through the nose a called a transnasal endoscopy. A small amount of discomfit in the nose and some bleeding afterwards BUT no gagging or anything like that.

All in all no pain or anything

31-01-12, 10:53
I am so pleased all went well for you and thanks for letting me know. I was thinking about you this morning. I am just trying to keep busy now until this afternoon but your post has really helped.

31-01-12, 11:00
I am so pleased all went well for you and thanks for letting me know. I was thinking about you this morning. I am just trying to keep busy now until this afternoon but your post has really helped.

Well i look forward to seeing you post tonight telling everone that you breezed through it.
Please dont think to much about it last night i was all prepared to phone them and tell them i was not going as i got to scared but glad i did not as it was not to bad at all.

Just try to stay calm and tell yourself it will be over and done in 5mins tops.

Goodluck again

BTW i wanted to get online asap after having done to let you know. If i found it hell i would not have said anything but it was ok

31-01-12, 17:37
Hi xtremx
Just got home, all done. You were right, not half as bad as I thought. I didn't have the sedation in the end and am glad. Thanks for your support and encouragement, I think we should give ourselves a pat on the back for braving it out!

31-01-12, 18:18
Hi xtremx
Just got home, all done. You were right, not half as bad as I thought. I didn't have the sedation in the end and am glad. Thanks for your support and encouragement, I think we should give ourselves a pat on the back for braving it out!

:yesyes: Well done you did they do it the nasal way. And I hope your results were like mine good (will nearly good mine was a grade 1).

Hope fully people will see this thread you started and notice that 2 people had a endoscopy both on the same day and see that it is not as bad as some may believe.
