View Full Version : What vision problems do you have?

30-01-12, 13:10
I am intrigued to know what other anxiety sufferer's get in the way of vision problems?
i have
*Visual Snow
*Shakey/Shimmering vision when looking at door frames etc mainly whites
*Tired Eyes
*Dry Eyes
*Image Trails
*Light Sensitivity
My visual symptoms are the key trigger to my anxiety 98% of the time!!, its so scary!

30-01-12, 13:15
Hello, I had a bad case of anxiety a few weeks ago all to do with my eyes! And I focused on my eyes a lot so I was constantly noticing new things I had:
- Vibrating vision
- Hazy vision
- Seeing black cell like things, it was weird but I think they were just floaters
- After images of things
- Flashing lights
- Seeing colours/flashing lights when eyes were closed

It was so freaky but all of them seem to have gone away now so think it was all just anxiety!

30-01-12, 13:24
Horrible isnt it!
Do you think anxiety makes these symptoms? .. they are on my mind 24/7 from time i wake to time i sleep so i wonder if my anxiety focusing on them makes them worse :S

30-01-12, 13:25
I have floaters and seeing colous / flashing lights when my eyes are closed.

30-01-12, 13:30
i have visual snow, tired eyes stingy eyes and dry eyes all the time, i went to the optitions about 3 weeks ago... its all anxiety do not worry over it xx

Con x

30-01-12, 13:42
Deffo anxiety i had them all the tym and they went away after i stopped thinkin bout them x

30-01-12, 14:07
I get dry eyes, watery eyes, feeling tired in the front of my head, an ache around my eyes and head.
I also have floaters sometimes.

30-01-12, 16:11
i get floaters all time when i look in sky

30-01-12, 16:19
I seem to get floaters whenever i sneeze, cough or heave.

30-01-12, 21:08
So anxiety can cause vision symptoms? Its so worryong even tho my eyes get checked every 6months i keep thinking what if they missed something

30-01-12, 22:21
Yes your vision problems is due to anxiety, and will go once the underlining anxiety is removed x