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View Full Version : Strange Question - When/If do you believe the Dr?

30-01-12, 15:21
I have a HA of a brain tumour and with all the symptoms I was or rather stull concerned about a brain tumour thanks to Dr Google. 3 Drs appts and have been checked over and they have said its anxiety and thats all.

Do you believe your GPs, pr push for further tests?

30-01-12, 15:42
It depends but usually I trust with what they say. If only, I am convinced that they are checking me good. If I had tests also, and results are fine, I wouldn't ask for further.

30-01-12, 19:02
Have you had a proper eye test recently as if you have and it was all okay then its extremely unlikely you have a brain tumour. Alot of brain tumours are picked up by opticians, they are really good at spotting the signs in your eyes, better trained than your average GP so if you haven't had one then go and get one and you can then relax and stop worrying. ( Any pressure in the brain shows up at the back of the eye).

Its not 100% foolproof but as your Dr does not seem to wanting to refer to you a neuro because he is so sure you have nothing to worry about this is at least one test you can get done yourself without hassling your GP!

31-01-12, 08:18
TBH Docs nowadays dont mess about if they are at all concerned, SO trust what they say:)