View Full Version : Going to a private ENT

30-01-12, 17:20
Ear , nose , throat doctor .
Decided to go private after being told Id be waiting at least a year.

My problems are.
Contestant lump in throat ,
Sometimes feeling like I've small marbles in my throat .
Swollen lymph nodes , glands.
Tightness around Adams apple.
Right side of thyroid is slightly larger.

Developed a hard lump in ear at the same time.
I think I've an ear pressure problem.
My ears feel full , they ring and make me dizzy.
My ears ache very bad if I get water in them or use ear drops.

This has been ongoing for about a year.

What tests might I have done and what tests should I ask for ?
I would like a scan of my throat as I'm paranoid about my air way getting restricted by all the lumps n bumps n I'm worried I might have hidden swelling or lumps that'll only show up on a scan.
I'd I had proof my airway wasn't in any danger that would reasure me a lot .