View Full Version : help just panicked while driving

30-01-12, 17:46
on out way to visit someone and I had awful sensations while driving.
was ok for first couple of miles and then when seen the headlights of approaching cars my legs went funny and I had that feeling in chest like when you get a scare from something.
lines of approaching traffic in the dark made me feel like the car was floating along instead of being on the road.
so bad that I lied to hubby I had cramp on leg and gothim to take over
I'm now in passenger seat still feeling weird and also feel a bit sick now.
omg what is this? why? I live driving.
im scared in going to have a panic attack.
help please I'm so scared.

30-01-12, 17:58
Hey, I would only reconmend trying to put this experience past you concentrate on your breathing so you relax again and try to chill out. If you let this over take you it will happen again. Just stay calm and be safe :) good luck.

30-01-12, 18:01
I'm still feeling it on the passengers seat :weep:
thanks for replying but I isn't can't get it out of my mind that I'm going to die
I keep saying in my head it's ok, it will pass , I am fine, relax
but it's not working .

30-01-12, 18:06
Your not going to die don't worry, panic feeds off of our fears and anxiety just try to remain calm close your eyes relax and it will pass. I tell myself very calmly and slowly in my head I am going to be fine, concentrate on your breathing while doing this and just relax you will be fine! X


30-01-12, 18:12
I'm on my way.to hospital to visit my sister in law who got both her kidneys removed the other day, I am so stupid for feeling like this when she is so brave.

30-01-12, 18:16
We all have our bad days, were not silly were human. None of us asked for this and its a hard thing to defeat you have to be strong. All the best and I hope your sister is ok :)

30-01-12, 19:32

You will be ok :) Honest

Doesn't matter where panic happens - just so happened it sparked off in the car today - it's the afterthoughts and associations that scare you and keep it going.

But the very nature of anxiety leads you to trying to figure it all out, going round and round in your mind thinking "what?! why?! how!?" imagining you'll never be able to drive peacefully again etc. Even the very memory of a panic attack/horrible feeling in a certain situation can bring the feelings back once ur back there, i.e. when you smell a certain smell or hear a song it brings back feelings without ur control - that's exactly what happens with panic

I highly recommend that you listen to these audio clips by Dr Claire Weekes, someone posted a link to them on here the other day. You can also buy them off amazon etc but here's a link anyway


scroll down the page, it's under "How to recover from anxiety by Dr Claire Weekes"

Anyway - it's the fear of anxiety/panic and the constant questioning and trying to understand it that maintains the horrible feeling.

Best of luck!

30-01-12, 19:37
I'm on my way.to hospital to visit my sister in law who got both her kidneys removed the other day, I am so stupid for feeling like this when she is so brave.

That could have been the "trigger" for your panic. I've had loads of panic attacks whilst driving, never crashed as a result, usually don't have to pull over, did take a diazepam once when stuck in a traffic jam but I didn't have any water and it stuck in my throat, still stayed focused and made it home safely though.


P.S. I find opening the windows for fresh air and listening to classical music helps. Classic FM can be a lifesaver for me!

30-01-12, 20:32
thanks for all the replies, on our way home from hospital now and though I dont feel so bad I'm still anxious and not going to try and drive home.

doc gave me propranolol (spelling) 10mg and said I could take one if I felt bad but I'm scared to take any- anyone on them?????

thanks for the link will listen when I get home as phone signal not good enough.

30-01-12, 22:29
I used to be on Propranalol. 10mg is quite a mild dose so you'll be fine. It should just help with the physical symptoms.

I have had panic attacks while driving too and they are not nice so I know where your coming from.
Mine have always been when alone with my son in the back so all I have done is wound the window down and sing nursery rhymes to him really loud whilst telling myself I'm going to be fine over & over.
Okay so the nursery rhyme bit might not work for you lol but focusing on something usually helps.

Hope your feeling a bit better now hun x

30-01-12, 22:59
lindajane I recommend the propranolol if you have bad palpitations during attacks. I keep some in the car just for emergencies. I can really sympathise with your situation. Having a panic attack is bad enough just lying in bed but when you're in control of a car going 60-70 miles an hour it can be very scary.