View Full Version : World Cup anxiety

15-06-06, 23:19
I'm a bit anxious because of the World Cup. I get nervous before games (like everyone), but I'm concerned about feeling overwhelmed if we do well and feeling down if we get beat.

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

15-06-06, 23:45

I think thats just natural to have feelings like that, my husband dosnt suffer with anxiety/panic but he is terrible before the match starts, i can tell he is nervous he wont sit still and is on edge, and if the team he supports looses he goes all quiet and sulks for hours, i wouldnt be too worried, its just a anxiety that most people have.



16-06-06, 08:43

Maybe if it is making your anxiety worse then try not to watch it, remember it is only a game after all.

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

16-06-06, 09:28
I remember reading about a guy who committed suicide at halftime when Liverpool were losing 3-0 in the Champions league final. They went on to win the cup in the second half. I guess that that is a lesson: things may appear really bleak, but that is often when the most amazing positive things happen.

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

16-06-06, 15:16
Hi wish

Unless it will affect you on a personal level then why get yourself so anxious over it.

It is about getting things into perspective.

No offence, and I do like footie, but it is only a game - and Im not biased just because im scottish LOL.

Take care and sit back and enjoy watching it


........life is for living not just for surviving

16-06-06, 18:41
Hi there,, as everyone has said, just enjoy it for what it is, a game of footie! If it makes you feel bad, avoid it! I have a large family, half of whom love it, the other can sort of cope with watching it? They shout/moan/cheer, but it is just a game and after it has finished and we have discussed it - off we trot to continue with our lives!!!!!

18-06-06, 13:36
Don't watch it!