View Full Version : I think it's stopped working

30-01-12, 21:50
I've been on citalopram for 13months now, and i think it has stopped working for me, i take 25mg a day, and have been as high as 60mg

It has helped a lot, i am much better than i was, but have never really got 100% better, and now feel my mood very low, and some anxiety again.

I am seeing my gp tomorrow, and i'm thinking of a change maybe to escitalopram, or adding mirtazapine, any advice would be appreciated.

I just feel i hve given the cit long enough, but i am a wimp and scared of changing, scared of side effects again....thanks x

30-01-12, 21:55
Sorry not to have experience or advice to offer but just wanted to say good luck tomorrow and I hope you work something out with your GP. From some of the other posts I've read it seems like mirt works well with cit so worth a try eh? x

30-01-12, 22:07
Hi Pinkdove

I too started on citalopram and had some success,although like you I never felt great and despite increasing my dose,it didn't really work for me.
Some meds later I tried Escitalopram as I had done alot of research and most people seemed to do well on it.Sadly I was not one of them.It gave me the worst depression I had ever felt,and after three months I felt I couldn't go on any longer with it.
Of course it may be the right meds for you,but they are very similar apart from less side effects to start with.
Have you thought about SNRIS? I am having much better results now I have switched over to these.
Hope you get a good result tomorrow.
Loreen x

30-01-12, 22:11
Hi Pinkdove :)

I cannot answer about your med concerns as I dont know about them ........but I do know you have tried with all your strength to feel well again . And more .
A kind and very lovely lady who supports others and helps herself as much as she can .:hugs:

so yes, I think it is time for your doctor and yourself to look at other additions or changes for you to get peace and contentment back .
Good luck tomorrow Pinkdove .........I will be thinking of you .
There is the right med out there and you have the patience and strength to find it with help from your family and doctor . You are very near finding it .
keep going :bighug1:

30-01-12, 22:18
Thank you snowgoose i will let you know how i get on.

Lorren, thank you. what do you take now, and did you have to come of cit before changing x

30-01-12, 22:37
Hi Pink Dove.... For a lovely lady,whose given me some of her time...I'd like to just offer you some words of support. I also was on Citilopram for a long time (3 years) I also reached a stage where I felt like it wasn't doing anything for me anymore,but I know for me,I also wanted to see how I coped without the medication. I came off it in October.... I had a really tough time of it,because I came off it too quickly. But,I survived! I'm still here! I was offered a different anti depressant,I brought it home and it's still in the drawer. I'm still medication free and yeah,there are really hard days,but I get through. I keep myself occupied and I try and read positive books....re-enforcing the positive thinking. I guess what I'm saying is,if you come off the citilopram,slowly,supervised by your doctor. See how you feel.... you may realise that it was doing more for you than you thought. Or your gut feeling may be right....time to change. I know how scary it is to change medication,if I'm honest,that's why they are still in the drawer! I'm too scared to take them... hence I'm going it alone!! But,you are strong lady and whatever you decide,you have lots of people on here,who will help you through,just as you have helped so many! Big Hugs...and good luck. xxx

30-01-12, 22:44
I've said this before and echo what is said above "A kind and very lovely lady who supports others". When we last exchanged messages before I had feeling you were in a rush to get to the next stage - cutting dose. Maybe you could take off some pressure and allow yourself to get well rather than trying to make it happen.
As well as looking out for others (as you have for me) maybe you are being too hard on yourself.
NB I read a short article today which said people North of Birmingham are likely to be short of vitamin D (main source = sunlight) and this among other things can cause depression.

31-01-12, 09:16
Hello Pinkdove

I take Duloxetine/cymbalta.I was able to swap straight from the ssri on to the snri,and I had no problems with the change over.It was the best thing I have done,and I hope you find something to help you.Changing meds is scary,especially as we suffer from anxiety, but it really is trial and error to find the right meds to suit .

Loreen x

31-01-12, 11:13
hi guys, thank you for all your support, it really helped sitting in the waiting room this morning.

well my gp has changed my meds to venlaine, 37.5 mg twice a day, starting tomorrow. so i am hoping the change will be ok, side effects wise.

She did offer me escitalopram, but i would have had to taper of the cit for a week, don't think i could handle that just now.

I will let you know how it goes, and any positive advice on this would be appreciated xx

31-01-12, 11:54
Hi Pinkdove, Hope you are ok? I cannot answer your question but just wanted to offer you some support as you are really kind and offered me help and support when I first started on Cit. Thinking of you. I will send you some Reiki this evening. xx

31-01-12, 11:59
Thank you sophie, hope you are doing ok. :hugs:

31-01-12, 20:58
Getting much better Pinkdove. Still moments of anxiousness but nothing I cannot cope with. Hope you get on ok Pinkdove. Your are so kind and deserve to feel ok. Thanks again for your support when I was feeling really bad. If I can help you just let me know :hugs: xx

31-01-12, 21:12
Thanks sophie, will start new meds tomorrow,so will keep posting, and let you all know how it goes....fingers crossed.

I'm so glad you are feeling better, i love to read posts like your's, it gives us all hope.

take care xx

01-02-12, 20:41
Good luck for tomorrow Pinkdove. Hope it all goes ok with the meds. Thinking of you xx

02-02-12, 11:19
Just an update, started the ven yesterday at 37.5 mg twice a day, after stopping the citalopram, well yesterday was good for me, felt not to bad at all, today is'ny as good, feel tired, and a bit more anxious, but nothing i can't handle.

I do think i have done the right thing, as cit had done all it could for me, to see my gp in 2 weeks to see how things are going so.....fingers crossed.

I hope you are all ik today, and things are a bit better for you sophie xx

02-02-12, 12:00
I'm amazed Pinkdove that the transition seems to go so smoothly? X

02-02-12, 12:04
Hi Kate, how did it go for you? i know you are on 150mg, i have to take my tab twice a day at 37.5 mg .

I am still scared of the change, but trying to feel positive as i know i have to do something.

I feel that an hour or so after taking it i feel a bit calmer, and before my next dose is due i feel more anxious, i take mine at 8.30 in the morning and 8.30 at night.

How are you doing on it, hope you are well xx