View Full Version : rotator cuff injury

30-01-12, 21:53
Had a wonderful trip up a and e today. All because of a washing bag. Yesterday after picking my ironing up from my mums, I was carrying the bag to the car, when all of a sudden i felt something drop inside my arm and immense pain, anyway trying not to be a wimp got in the car, moaned a bit to my fiance, just thought i had pulled something and it would wear off. Boy was I wrong, got worse that night, had no sleep. Woke up this morning in agony, but got ready for work regardless, I then realised that today I would not be doing much and the pain got soo bad i burst into tears and called my mum at 6.30 in the morning. Cut a long story short, I have torn a tendon in my rotator cuff, so my shoulder is basically pooped, got to have physio and steriod injection (all part of the fun eh). Just want to vent my anger from myself, as it's my fault I am a weakling and somehow I managed to rip a tendon carrying washing lol. Plus I now have to cancel my appointment to sort my lymph nodes out ( think they are getting even smaller though). One good thing about not being able to move my arm, is that I can't feel the nodes under the other armpit hehe.

Dancingfrog xx (unfortunately I can't do this or I would:doh:)

30-01-12, 23:10
My wife did her back in brushing her teeth. Your sounds much more impressive and at least you won't have to have someone feed you peas while your flat on your back.

Hope it clears up soon

One of us

31-01-12, 09:02
The only peas I will be seeing are in a tea towel on my shoulder lol xx

31-01-12, 12:45
I injured my achilles tendon at back of ankle a few years ago kicking hay up to feed cows! boy did I love having to explain how I had done that one:)

Did they warn you that tendons take a very long time to heal, not wanting to be a misery but they can take up to 6months to heal so don't get downhearted if you don't get better quickly. I also injured the tendon in my shoulder and could not raise my arm at all out in front of me for about 6 weeks so really really do not expect to get better quickly, then any improvement is a happy one rather than you thinking all will be well in a week!

I had physio for the shoulder one and I am sure that did speed up the recovery time, the ankle one is the worst time wise and nothing anyone could do to speed it up. Thankfully I was only in pain for about the first 5 mins when I started walking ( everytime I started to walk !) and it suddenly one day 6 months later didn't hurt any more.

Def get the physio as soon as possible - I paid for mine staight away as there was a months wait on nhs and as I say was much better after 6 treatment.

31-01-12, 15:41
Hey guys, got my physio for next tuesday, what sort of thing can I expect, pain has gone down loads today but swelling is up, shoulder is still sitting weird xx

31-01-12, 18:58
When I had my physio for tendon injury to shoulder it was the tendon at front of shoulder that attaches to top of arm. My physio was massage and ultrasound and exercises.