View Full Version : Blood Pressure question.

30-01-12, 23:15
Was wondering if anyone can help about my question i have.

I had my cystoscopy done today and they done my blood pressure it was something 190ish/105ish!

That's really high yeah?

Normally when i have had mine done in A+E its around 140-150/90.

30-01-12, 23:18
That is mild-moderate hypertension. But bear in mind that in a medical setting you can feel panicky/stressed which would increase your blood pressure. Also it depends on your size. (:

30-01-12, 23:22
I had mine taken in surgery and it was 140 standing and 120 resting, but when I went to the hospital it shot up to 170. It must have been the hypertension. It couldn't have been the cute nurse, at least that's what I told the wife!

One of us

30-01-12, 23:23
Yes it is high but so is 140-150/90 as well

Maybe you should get it checked out at the docs a few times to see what readings you get

30-01-12, 23:57
Yeah the urologist said i should go to my doctors and keep it monitored, but even with it being that high just for that moment i will be ok?

As i guess it has to be that high over a prolonged peroid?

31-01-12, 01:35
Mine is always higher when at the hospital ... When I take It at home it is always normal. If I know I have to have a procedure done it for sure will be much higher than at home. Oh and forget about my heart rate... Last time I went to the doctor it was 166 bpm!!! At home it's in the 75-80 range so just goes to show how white coat syndrome can effect us! I agree to have it monitored though just to be sure. Keep us posted! Xx

31-01-12, 02:51
Just one high reading doesn't necessarily mean you have a problem. Lots of things can cause your blood pressure to temporarily go up--feeling anxious or panicked, certain medications, etc. It doesn't mean that your blood pressure is always so high. I think the urologist gave you good advice, let your doctor monitor it and try not to worry about it.

31-01-12, 14:39
My GP wasnt at all concerned with my BP at 150/90 .I questioned the reading but he took it 3 times in 10 minutes and it began to lower. He said anxiety, white coat syndrome , age group. various things can affect BP readings.

31-01-12, 15:18
Well i went to see the doctor again and it was raised, first reading was 170/105 second reading was 160/100, the are going to monitor it get it checked again on Friday.

Does it take awhile for blood pressure to lower after you have been in a stressful environment?

31-01-12, 15:29
my highest was 230/120 during an attack, at gp's it was 166/90 but when i checked it myself at work the last 3 nightshifts it was 117/74, 108/68 and 111/70 so yes i think stress and anxiety may be a significant factor! lol

31-01-12, 15:30
Some chemists do blood pressure checking for free, Lloyds Pharmacy does, you might find it useful to have them check it when you might not be as worried / anxious as you are at the doctors.

31-01-12, 17:20
I popped to asda and they had a home one for 10 quid been 20 quid seems a good one so I will be able to keep an eye on it at home hopefully it helps.

---------- Post added at 17:20 ---------- Previous post was at 16:16 ----------

I done 3 test's first was 138/82, 144/78 and last reading was 132/78.

So it looks like i am stressing out while at doctors.

I think this is about my normal range as I am quite overweight at the moment and don't do alot of exercise apart from walking now and again.

31-01-12, 17:46
be sure to tell your gp before he starts you on meds you dont need ;) what bit in asda did you find one, never seen them in.

31-01-12, 18:14
We have a pharmacy in our asda was just there, thought I would buy one then I can monitor my own.

Its make is a Omron m2 its on the asda website for the same price.

I'll keep an eye on it everyday till Friday and keep a note of my results.

31-01-12, 18:20
great cheers i'll see if we have an asda pharmacy around here, good to have one anyway.

03-02-12, 11:49
Well I went to see the nurse today for my blood pressure checked up first reading was 160/90 second was 150/100 ish...

(Even when testing at home i get around 135-150/70-85 which is still high I guess)

Not good she wants to see me again in 9 days time to check it again and do a ECG (last one I had done was about 2 months ago and was perfect)...

Think I need to be more pro-active and lose some weight as I am 6ft and 110kg (overweight) don't exercise much and eat stupid food alot.

Shook me up abit as I have always worried about my heart and chest pains alot.

03-02-12, 13:07
Well I went to see the nurse today for my blood pressure checked up first reading was 160/90 second was 150/100 ish...

(Even when testing at home i get around 135-150/70-85 which is still high I guess)

Not good she wants to see me again in 9 days time to check it again and do a ECG (last one I had done was about 2 months ago and was perfect)...

Think I need to be more pro-active and lose some weight as I am 6ft and 110kg (overweight) don't exercise much and eat stupid food alot.

Shook me up abit as I have always worried about my heart and chest pains alot.

You numbers you are getting at home are ok 135-150/70-85. Every doctor will have a differnet take on what is high BP. Mine on last time of checking in the doctors was 158/94 and that was before having a procedue done at hospital and i was told that was a ok BP.

Peoples ideal BP is different for everyones hight and weight so someone who is 6ft+ and overweight a BP of 150s/90s could be normal but in a person who is 5ft+ and ideal weight it could be classed as high.

10-02-12, 04:16
No doubt that the information is nice. thanks for sharing information about blood pressure. We all need this information. You have discussed well about blood pressure.

10-02-12, 05:56
Just had my BP and they said it was high. Then a week later they said, quote;

'Your blood pressure is perfect'.

I suppose all of us can influence our blood pressure. One way is to drink cabbage juice, I've found !!!!!@!!!

It sounds awful but, once you acquire its taste there is nothing more salubrious.

Good luck, Vince:)

10-02-12, 05:58
Hi there,

I sometimes get anxious about this and it wasn't till I posted on here a few weeks back under "should I or shouldn't I" about buying a blood pressure monitor...

After some good post by people on here I didn't do it!!!!

I went to the doctor when I was having some anxiety issues and my blood pressure was 170/90 then when the nurse checked it it went down to 150/80

I obsessed about it for like 2 weeks and realized how much our anxiety can play on our BP

I went back to the doctor after 2 weeks on a day off from work and had it tested.....

130/70 perfect!!!

I must be allergic to work lol!!!!

Hang in there and good luck with it all