View Full Version : Is this a good sign?

31-01-12, 11:32
Hi. Some of you may be aware that my big, scary life obsession right now is leukemia. On Sunday I found little petechia dots on my right foot, which seem to have faded now thankfully so I'm hoping that this is positive. However I keep finding little red dots on my legs, they aren't a rash, just scattered little dots that you wouldn't see unless you were looking. I'm trying to reason that if it was leukemia, having looked at pics online, they'd be all over my leg and horribly severe looking. I also cut my finger on Sunday at work on a knife (I work in a kitchen) and it bled a fair bit and after running it under water then putting a plaster on, it stopped bleeding. So I'm hoping that if I DID have leukemia it wouldn't have stopped bleeding so quickly and these spots wouldn't disappear. I've been waking up in the mornings with a dry nose/mouth/throat and thought I could taste blood this morning but I sneezed and none came out.
I just keep putting all of these little things together and coming up with leukemia!! ARGH.
Anyway I had friends over on Sunday night and they make me laugh so much I forgot all about my "symptoms" and felt great going to bed and Monday. They were so reassuring that I don't have leukemia, that I've been worrying about it for so long that if I DID have it, I'd be very ill by now. Why can I just not kick this anxiety?! I'm waiting on my CBT appointments to start soon, so hoping it'll help. x

31-01-12, 17:42
Ah Mary if only it was that easy, we would all stop doing it.
Im sure if your symptoms are dissapearing its a good sign.

31-01-12, 19:02
Your goin to make ursel ill, i made mysel ill, if it wasnt somethin it wud be sumfin els tmz, you need to get therapy, asap, x