View Full Version : Making it worse?

31-01-12, 12:12
Hello as you may have read, i suffer from derealization and depersonalization.

this weekend has been one of the Shi**** ones yet, i have been extremely anxious, derealized and depersonalized and have now got a throat infection, which i could feel coming on over the weekend.

Now all i want to know is with my throat infection and general cold ( im on anti biotics 15 tabs to finish ) can it make me feel generally run down, make my anxiety higher and dereal and dp worse? and just make me feel more rundown, depressed and anxious? :weep:( im getting CBT soon, i hope that will help me with dp.dr.)!!!

i mean having this to deal with on a day to day basis is so hard and enough itself, let a loan with a throat infection aswell which has kept me of school last 2 days.

Thanks con x

31-01-12, 12:23
It's like a vicious circle. You feel anxious and you worry that you are ill, you get ill and get anxious that you are ill, your anxiety symptoms kick in and convince you that there are other things at play but it all leads back to.... you guessed it; anxiety.

Hope you're feeling better soon. :)

31-01-12, 12:57
Hi Con,

Sorry you aren;t feeling well :hugs:

I get the same anxious feelings as soon as I get or start coming down with a cold or anything...

try to focus on getting over your throat infection.. one thing at a time.

Are you on any medic ation for your anxiety and derealization and depersonalization?

31-01-12, 13:26
Yeah perhaps that what made my anxiety worse, but i am actually ill lol.. i got a throat infection and im on anti biotics, i went for a curry on friday with my family and was so anxious and derealized, and also felt very unwell, im going up to suffolk on sat for my grandads 50th meal, im dreading it.. i cant stay at home as im to clingy to my mum as she understands everything... so im going too, but what if i pass out or go mad:(? any tips or shall i just stay at home and suffer by my self?

I hope this infection goes by friday and the anti bs should get it out my system, and no im not as of yet, im getting CBT soon, see how that goes, if not i may look in to meds, thanks guys xxx

31-01-12, 14:02
Hi conormSorry to hear you are having a tough time and yes I have to say whenever I am poorly or even up to a week before I get depersonalization it's really horrible and I feel like I'm going mad its just so scary and I don't even like describing what it feels like to anyone for fear they will think I'm mad.
I take 40mg Prozac daily I'm very interested to hear about cbt for depersonalization because I had this a few years ago not for depersonalization but for depression/anxiety so does cbt actually work for depersonalization
Good luck with your cbt and hope it helps you I really am so desperate to find somthing to help me I had my first bout of depersonalization in 2004 then didn't get it again until August 2011 and it's been on/off since

31-01-12, 14:05
its most horrorfying experience ,and i get it pretty much every day all day, lol.. dont worry it wont make you sound mad so many symptoms and thoughts i get, i will let you know and thank sxx

31-01-12, 14:35
Con, are you on any medications?

31-01-12, 14:51
no im not betty xx

31-01-12, 14:55
Has your GP talked to you about possibly starting a low dose of sertraline or similar? It really does help a lot of people with the things you are describing.

31-01-12, 15:18
Hey Con, sorry to hear that. Hope you feel well soon.

I guess it's mostly related to your throat infection and general cold. For us, who are x10 more sensitive/cautious than other people, even the slightest disease makes us feel down and worry a lot.
Once you are over with your cold, you will feel better.

And there are always other ways, having a counselors help or using some suitable medication helps a lot.
Feel well soon.

31-01-12, 18:27
betty i may ask actually, i reckon i do need some, and yeah the throat infection and snotty nose just really running me down :( xx

31-01-12, 23:37
I would advise it. CBT may work in the long-term but you don't need to feel like this while you wait for your appointment.

I had a virus over christmas that made me feel terrible, really run-down/sick/shaky... I stll don't know if I feel normal now tbh. It is getting harder and harder to distinguish where my actual illesses end and my anxiety begins!

01-02-12, 09:59
Hello betty, yeah i understand allthough i said to my mum about sertraline and she isnt keen on it as shes been on it herself and made her worse, 7th of feb is when im getting CBT, if i still feel exactly the same monday i will probably go to the gp and start some meds, its a big thing and really scares me :( xx

01-02-12, 10:03
My mum was on sertraline too about ten years ago and it didn't suit her either. I get on fine with it. There are other types that your doctor can prescribe to you if he doesn't think that sertraline would be right for you.

Good luck :)

01-02-12, 11:20
Thanks betty i hope u rok x