View Full Version : Recovery after Sickness Virus

31-01-12, 12:41
Over the weekend I started to feel unwell, a house mate had a stomach bug all last week so I knew that was probably it. My anxiety increased dramatically, I felt spaced out and dizzy as well as having a seriously grumbling stomach and awful stomach ache.

I'm seriously scared of being sick and as ill as I felt I managed to stop myself. Obviously it then all came out the other end (sorry for TMI)! It started Saturday night and now it's Tuesday and my stomach is still twisting and turning and grumbling. I still feel dizzy and spaced out, like my head isn't attached to my body.

I'm so scared this virus has brought back all the nasty anxiety, I was just starting to feel myself again and now I'm all anxious I won't get better from this virus for the anxiety.

31-01-12, 12:53
I have a horrible phobia of sickness/vomit, had it most of my life so I'd do anything to avoid it! These things can leave you feeling weak for a few days afterwards, I'm guessing you've not eaten or been drinking much, so if you feel up to it, try some sips of water or dry toast. Try not to get dehydrated as that will make you feel worse. My dad had it a month or so ago and was weak and in bed for a couple of days after the symptoms had stopped. You'll be fine just rest and try to eat light foods when you think you can.