View Full Version : Difficulty avoiding the news

16-06-06, 09:51
I used to love getting up in the morning reading the paper and having my breakfast. I actually used to get excited waiting for the newspaper to arrive!!

Since I've been ill there seems to be so much more death and negativity in the news. When I'm not feeling well the last thing I want to here about is landmines, terrorism, war, suicide, murder and injustice. But, it's actually really hard to avoid. We have a newspaper delivered and I think 'I'll just read the football transfer rumours and the celeb gossip', but I always end up reading more.

News in itself is just so negative and hypocritical especially the tabloids, sensationalising things, coming down hard on celebs for the slightest thing, moaning, ranting, sexist, racist. Ok, so Heather Mccartney made a mistake when she was younger, but i very much doubt that it was the hard core porn that the red tops make it out to be and, anyway, doesn't she deserve a break while she's going through her breakup?

They're so fickle too. How much abuse did Micheal Barrymore get? And then after he does Big Brother he's a hero. The same with Beckham and getting sent off against Argentina. If Sven wins the World Cup he'll be a hero too!

The TV news is just as bad. Nearly every day the lead stories are war and murder- who wants to hear it?

But, it's just so hard to avoid. Logging on to my email I am presented with the days news. Checking the internet on my mobile I am bombarded with news. News on the radio at work. If I'm bored at work I might reach for a newspaper.

I really do wish that there was a 'good news' alternative, focussing on good things that are happening in the world, achievemnets that people are making, positive contributions. A lot of people would probably find it boring though.

I might start something myself. Woudln't it be great to have all that positivity every day?

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

16-06-06, 12:13

I totally agree, but i just never pay any attention to the news whatsoever. I don't read the papers and i don't watch the news on tv. It's all just negative, bad news stuff and i for one don't want to hear it. Personally, i really don't care to know about celebs and their 'exciting' lives... it's not news anyway half the time. So, yep, i think we should all get together and produce that 'good news' alternative you mentioned!


16-06-06, 12:13
Can certainly sympathise with how you feel. I think we have to strike a balance between learning essential news and a bit of light hearted stuff and being bombarded and depressed.

I used to watch the TV news every day, but since I got anxiety and depression that changed and now watch about once every fortnight!
I got really paranoid when Saddam appeared to be a threat to us three years ago. I would avoid all the news I could, even closing my eyes on my default news page on the PC and taking detours in town to avoid newspaper headlines outside newsagents! But when the Iraq war started I watched the TV news and felt quite safe!

Now, my main news comes from the radio - that is enough for me. I have never bought a newspaper regularly - the last time being when this site was featured in the Daily Mail [8D] I generally don't support the press as they have far too much power and wreck peoples lives. They influence peoples' lives far too much, especially the tabloids.

Sounds like you have a news page set up as a default home page - why not change this to something else? I have No More Panic as my default page when I turn on the internet.

I think people have tried to start 'good news' papers but unfortunately they don't sell. Maybe keep a puzzle book handy at work if you get bored.

By the way, I have started 'The Positive Thread' here under Misc, if you feel you want to read some positive stuff and what makes us feel good.


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

19-06-06, 02:47
you guys are awesome,....I too have been afraid to watch the news or alot of tv or look at a newspaper. I too agree that since I began having anxiety again 2 months ago that I am soo much more sensitive to death and murder. I get so mad at how the media treats it as just another story and has no respect for life. I too wish you could find more positive sources of news.

worrying is alot Like a Rocking Chair It is something todo but it won't get you anywhere

19-06-06, 10:45
Why anyone would want to know about death, murder, stabbings, shootings and rape everyday I don't know. Is it supposed to be a warning? Is it supposed to be shocking? Are we supposed to feel fortunate that it isn't us?

The media (especially the tabloids) can be so smug and self-righteous. I find it outrageous that a newspaper like the Sun can destroy Heather Mills' character for doing some nude modelling and still have topless models in the paper.

They are just so fickle and contradictory. One minute gazza or beckham is a hero, the next they are a villain. They can be merciless, they can destroy people's lives and they have far too much power.

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.