View Full Version : New Scary Symptom

31-01-12, 17:58
As some of you know lately I have been experiencing Twiching all over my body and Insomnia but these past 2 days I have been experiencing weakness and stiffness in both hands. It feels like my grip has really gotten weak. Is this also a symptom of something sinister ???? I'm really freaking out here

31-01-12, 18:27
I have had this! in fact when driving last week, my left had went weak on me, but i decided i wasnt going to panic, and ignored it... it went away after a while ... i kept stretching my fingers out and exercising it... i get numbness and stiffness alot too.. im sure its to do with the anx adrenaline in the system...
but if it continues check with doc.

31-01-12, 18:38
Hiya dragi316.
Weakness in the hands yes anxiety, Stiffness Not to sure on that.
But i get both weakness comes and goes if i am anxious
Stiffness mine is brought on by the weather cold days seems to be the worst (stiffness more in the mornings)

May i say your symptoms seem to be coming on thick and fast that would to me point to anxiety, BUT it is still wise to get a doctor to check you out.

31-01-12, 19:34
I think it's totally related to your lack of sleep. I had sleeping problems before and I know weak body and limbs are a result of not having good sleep.

Twitching is nothing serious, it's about stiff muscles and of course, stress. The more panic you have, the more twitching your will experience.

Feel well soon

sherylee xx
31-01-12, 23:07
omg i get that too!! sometimes its like my fingers lock and its hard to move them and my hands go weak sometimes i also get pains in my hands and fingers xx

31-01-12, 23:46
I hope you went to the doctor , it's go to go for any new symptoms .
I would suggest some B vitamins or multivitamin unless your diets very good .
They can help with nerves :)
I get twiches in my face>eyes, lips, mouth etc. . Also in my baby fingers and toes .
Just so you know it's a very comon anxiety symptom :)

01-02-12, 00:08
Yea I made a appointment to see my Doc on Friday . Even though I did see him 3 weeks ago and told him I feared CJD or Fatal Insomnia . He looked at me like I was insane! So I hope he takes my symptoms seriously and doesn't just brush me off as a nut.