View Full Version : If it wasn't for these symptoms...

16-06-06, 12:03
If it wasn't for these symptoms I think I'd feel alright. I still feel a bit unreal, although not as much as I used to. My body is always very achy, tense and stiff. My shoulders are up around my ears, my legs feel ready to drop off and my back is stiff as a board. I also have a bit of a headache most of the time- not as bad as it used to be, but still a bit buzzy.

If i felt clear-headed and my body was relaxed I think I'd be alright.

I suppose it's like trying to uncoil a spring though or unknot a ball of string. It's going to take time and whenever you think that you are near the end you will always find another coil or knot, but there IS and end to it.

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

16-06-06, 15:11
Hi Wishidfoundthissooner

I am having a massage every 4 weeks or so which seems to really help. Gets rid of the worst knots so that they don't keep building up on top of each other. I have a really deep sports massage (which isn't v comfortable but works!) and have also had something called spinal touch which was amazing!


23-06-06, 14:12
I can totally relate. I too have been struggling with feelings of not being real. I have alot of aches and pains too. I will worry about an ache and then due to muscle tension a new pain will crop up and I will worry more. It is a vicious cycle. I get these horrible knots on my chest that cause alot of pain in my upper body. Sometimes I feel like I will never sleep through the night again or if all the little pains would go away I could feel normal again. However I think the trick for those like us is to find normalcy despite the aches and pains and then they will dissapate. I know way easier said then done right? lol

worrying is alot Like a Rocking Chair It is something todo but it won't get you anywhere