View Full Version : What medication/likely outcome?

31-01-12, 22:09

Im currently taking sertraline and valium, occasionally zopiclone also. I have agarophobia, anxiety and suspected bi polar disorder.

I have a psychiatrist appointment very soon to discuss meds and hopefully be put on suitable medication from him.

I was looking to see what i can expect from the appointment and whether the results will work. i didnt really think being manic was a problem until very recently.

Im wondering if i will be the same after mood controlling drugs etc.

31-01-12, 22:29
If your Bipolar Disorder is confirmed, I suspect he/she will probably substitute your Sertraline for something else, possibly a mood stabiliser but I'm no Doctor.

A friend of mine was recently diagnosed with Bilpolar after being previously treated for Depression/Anxiety. She was switched from Citalopram to a mood stabilising (I just can't spell that can I :D ?) drug and noticed a vast improvement.

Good Luck. x

01-02-12, 09:35
Ok thanks.

I hope they do make a vast improvement. My manic stages are causing schizophrenic type symptoms which isn't fun at all.