View Full Version : so went to the doctors today...

01-02-12, 01:08
As the title says I went to the doctors today as I just registered with the surgery and I wanted to try and get some CBT, well the thing is the doctor said he recognised me and asked if I have ever been in trouble with the police before which I replied yes, there was an incident in november where some idiot was trying to cause trouble between me and my missus so I sent him a text saying I will wait for him outside his work and we will have a row, basically he called the police and I was cautioned blah blah. Now I'm thinking this guy is related to my dr...as he recognised my name and I have never seen him before. The DR was not very pleasant with me after that and didn't seem to interested in what I was telling him about my problems etc and just said he would write a letter to try and get me some cbt then he said I could go. I don't really care was not my fault he shouldn't of got involved in my relationship. I just feel now my DR is going to be a div everytime I go there....any advice? Thanks.


01-02-12, 01:26
Try seeing another doctor?

01-02-12, 02:53
Ugh I'm sorry :(
What an odd question for him to ask you and highly unprofessional too.
Please don't go back to that doctor and find a new one you are comfortable with.

I once went to a doctor who called me all sorts of names and it's very hard to stand up for yourself when it's a person in power.
I always regretted not walking straight out and not reporting her.
Also wished I had googled her name , turns out she was in the middle of a court case !
Which I guess added to her craziness .
She found guilty for letting a patient die under care and isn't allowed to work here anymore .

01-02-12, 03:08
Ugh I'm sorry :(
What an odd question for him to ask you and highly unprofessional too.
Please don't go back to that doctor and find a new one you are comfortable with.

I once went to a doctor who called me all sorts of names and it's very hard to stand up for yourself when it's a person in power.
I always regretted not walking straight out and not reporting her.
Also wished I had googled her name , turns out she was in the middle of a court case !
Which I guess added to her craziness .
She found guilty for letting a patient die under care and isn't allowed to work here anymore .

Yeah I'm going to try to get another appointment tomorrow, I was surprised I didn't say anything as I say what I think, I just didn't want to cause any trouble. I will defo not be seeing him again. I thought doctors were meant to atleast try and understand you and not try to dig into your personal life. It was a bit strange experience to be honest I didn't expect it at all....and I was fuming when I walked out of the surgery and its been bugging me since :/

macc noodle
01-02-12, 07:09
I wonder what led him to ask if you had been in trouble and then saying that he recognised you - how very strange.

Were you in the local paper or something - even so, not sure it was quite the professional thing to do!!

Problem you may have now is that it could be recorded on your notes at the practice, so I do think that you will have to try a different GP at the surgery and see how it goes.

It could be that he felt that he had done his job by agreeing to the CBT request - some docs are just no good at dealing with mental health issues - is there a doc at practice who lists it as a speciality or interest? Our practice has a full staff list and their areas of expertise so that you can try and see someone who is sympathetic to your problems and has an experience and understanding of them.

Good luck

Macc Noodle